- reisel@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4671
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences 1213| LUB 451
John Reisel
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Secretary of the University
Reisel’s research has led to enhancing the educational experience of engineering freshmen to allow more students to succeed in their courses and progress to more advanced studies in their disciplines. His work on air pollution sheds light on potentially damaging combustion processes from a pollution standpoint, which altered plans on the development of proposed aircraft engines.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1994
- MS, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1991
- BME, Villanova University, 1989
Research Interests
- Engineering Education
- Air Pollutant Formation from Combustion Processes
- Energy Modeling
- Energy Utilization and Efficiency
- J.R. Reisel (2016, 2022). Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA. ISBN: 978-1-285-05647-0 (1st Edition), 978-1-337-71119-7 (2nd Edition).
- E. Ehrke and J.R. Reisel(2018). Modeling the Feasibility of Using Solar Thermal Systems for Meeting the Heating Requirements at Corn Ethanol Production Facilities. J. of Energy, Volume 2018, Article ID 6436272. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6436272.
- L. Cançado, J.R. Reisel, and C.M. Walker (2018). Impact of First-Year Study Groups on the Retention and Graduation of Engineering Students. Int. J. of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 49(6): 856-866.doi:10.1080/0020739X.2017.1423120
- L. Cançado, J.R. Reisel, and C.M. Walker (2018). Impacts of a Summer Bridge Program in Engineering on Student Retention and Graduation. J. STEM Education: Innovations and Research19(2): 26-31.
- M.R. Jablonski, H.B. Ranicke, A. Qureshi, H. Purohit, J.R. Reisel, and K. Satyanarayana (2016). Low-Cost Decolorization of High Concentration Acid Dye Baths using Photo-Fenton Oxidation and Filtration both with and without Biodegradation. J. Fashion Technol Textile Eng. 4:3. doi 10.4172/2329-9568.1000138.
- M. Jablonski, H.B. Ranicke, A. Qureshi, H. Purohit, J.R. Reisel, and K. Satyanarayana (2016). Novel Photo-Fenton Oxidation with Sand and Carbon Filtration of High Concentration Reactive Dyes both with and without Biodegradation. Journal of Textile Science & Engineering. 6(2):251 doi:10.4172/2165-8064.1000251
- J.R. Reisel, M. Jablonski, E. Munson, and H. Hosseini (2014). Peer-led Team Learning in Mathematics Courses for Freshman Engineering and Computer Science Students. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 15(2): 7-15.
- A. Kialashaki, and J.R. Reisel (2014). Development and Validation of Artificial Neural Network Models of the Energy Demand in the Industrial Sector of the United States. Energy 76: 749-760.
- A. Kialashaki and J.R. Reisel (2014). Forecasting United States' Energy Demand of Industrial Sector Using Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Energy and Statistics 2: 207-226.
- A. Kialashaki and J.R. Reisel (2013). Modeling of the Energy Demand of the Residential Sector in the United States Using Regression Models and Artificial Neural Networks. Applied Energy 108: 271-280.
- M.R. Jablonski, S. Shaligram, A. Qureshi, H. Purohit, J. Reisel, and R. El-Hajjar. (2013). Degradation Kinetics of Resorcinol by Enterobacter Cloacae Isolate. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7: 3632-3640.
- J.R. Reisel, M. Jablonski, H. Hosseini, and E. Munson (2012). Assessment of factors impacting success for incoming college engineering students in a summer bridge program. Int. J. of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 43: 421-433.
- S. Kumar and J.R. Reisel(2011). Modeling of Energy Usage for the Refining of Ethanol from Corn. Int. J. of Sustainable Energy30: 98-109.
Awards, Honors and Societies:
- 2020 ASEE-Energy Conversion and Efficiency Division Best Paper Award – 3rd place
- 2019 ASEE-New Engineering Educators Division Best Paper Award – 3rd place
- 2010 ASEE-New Engineering Educators Division Best Paper Award – 2nd place
- 2010 CEAS – Top 10 Research Expenditures 2009-10 (award only given in 2009 and 2010)
- 2005 UWM Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2000 UWM-CEAS Outstanding Teaching Award
- 1998 SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
Community Involvement
- Member of the Board of Directors, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
- Member of the Board of Directors of the St. Hyacinth Emergency Food Pantry, Milwaukee, WI