- kautzer@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5189
- Engineering & Mathematical Sciences E222
Jeffrey Kautzer
- Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- General Manager, Hardware Excellence & Chief Electrical Engineer, GE Healthcare
Jeffrey Kautzer has over thirty years of experience in Engineering Design and Tech Management at GE Healthcare where he currently serves as the Chief Electrical Engineer.
- MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee, 1983
- BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 1981
- 2022 GE Edison Award Recipient for GE Healthcare
- The Edison Award recognizes technical excellence & impact in their respective fields of GE employees. With 40 years of industry experience & 30 patents, Jeff currently serves as GE HealthCare’s Chief Electrical Engineer instrumental in developing the digital imaging systems that revolutionized medical imaging including 30 patents.