An ePortfolio is a collection of digital media evidence that demonstrates your knowledge, skills, and growth as a professional within a particular area of study over a given period of time. ePortfolios are created by assembling artifacts in the form of text, video clips, pictures, etc. within a single digital presentation. Together, these artifacts and presentation are called an ePortfolio, which, once complete, you will submit to your program of study as evidence of your learning.
This site houses resources that faculty, instructors, staff, and students can access to help develop a Canvas ePortfolio site. There are numerous guides that will assist you each component of Canvas and ePortfolio creation, presentation, and distribution. There is also a link to frequently asked questions from instructors and students.
Development Resources
Differences Between a Public or Private ePortfolio
The default setting on Canvas ePortfolio is “private,” which means it cannot be found via searching or viewed without access to a specific link. On the “Welcome to Your ePortfolio” page, you will see that link, which you can then copy and share with others when you want to give them access to viewing your ePortfolio.
Do be aware that once you have shared this link with someone, however, you cannot really “unshare” the ePortfolio (unless you have shared the link in a way that allows you to remove their access to that link). And further, if you have shared the link with someone by, say, sending it to them via email, there is nothing to prevent that person from forwarding the emailed link to others. Therefore, the so-called “private” ePortfolio in Canvas is NOT truly private nor secure. If you set your ePortfolio to “public,” then on the “Welcome to Your ePortfolio” that link for “private” sharing disappears. Now in this case, anyone who knows the address of your portfolio can view it.
So, to share a “public” ePortfolio, you could copy the URL from the browser and pass that along to anyone you want to view your portfolio. As with the “private” link, that URL could potentially get passed along further by others. However, if you want to “unshare” a public ePortfolio, you will simply change the setting back to private, and then knowing the URL would no longer give people access; they would need the “private” link.
So ironically, a “public” ePortfolio gives you slightly stronger options for sharing/unsharing. But in both cases, it is important to conceptualize the ePortfolio as an essentially public document, not truly secure. Overview provided by Sarah MacDonald of the UWM Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).
Program ePortfolio Guides and Rubrics
Provided with the permission of the author/developers.
- Canvas ePortfolio Made Easy for Instructors | Developed by Sarah MacDonald, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- CHS Communication Sciences and Disorders ePortfolio Rubric | Developed by Dawn Hennes, College of Health Sciences
- College of Nursing ePortfolio Development Information | Developed by Don Pardee, Marijo Rommelfaenger, and Laura Bennett, College of Nursing
- School Library ePortfolio 2018 | Created/Shared by Susan Hersh, School of Information Studies
- SOE Administrative Leadership ACHEA ePortfolio Guide (PDF) | Shared by Cheryl Baldwin, School of Education
- SOE Administrative Leadership Educational Administration and Supervision Canvas ePortfolio Guide (PDF) | Shared by Leigh E. Wallace, School of Education
- SOE Early Childhood Exceptional Education Program | Shared by Margaret Bartlett, School of Education
- SOE ePortfolio Template Library
These WORD docs contain the text content of the D2L ePortfolio Template Library previously used in SOE. (The templates themselves could not be migrated from D2L to Canvas.)
Steps to Create an ePortfolio in Canvas
The School of Education and other licensure programs across the campus use Canvas as the place where you will access, create, and submit your ePortfolio. There are three main steps to creating your ePortfolio in Canvas, listed below.
1. Getting Organized and Creating a New ePortfolio in Canvas
It is important to organize your ePortfolio content on your computer by creating folders in OneDrive or Canvas. When your ready, log into Canvas and create your ePortfolio. A video is available (below) to assist you in getting organized and creating a new ePortfolio in Canvas.
2. Creating Sections and Pages in Canvas ePortfolio
After you log in and create your ePortfolio, you can start creating the sections and pages that will make up your ePortfolio. Your department or program may also use a ePortfolio template to name the pages in Canvas. A video is available (below) to assist you in completing this step.
3. Submitting your Canvas ePortfolio
Once you are finished with your ePortfolio, you will need to copy and submit your link. Always refer to your individual program to correctly submit your ePortfolio. A video is available (below) to assist you in accurately copying and submitting your ePortfolio.
UWM Resources and Support
If you have questions about what your portfolio needs to include, due dates, etc., your instructor or program director should be able to answer them. If you need to contact someone about the technical aspects of ePortfolios, including any of the steps outlined above, email the portfolio support office at
Instructors may also contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
414-229-4319 (Support Requests)
414-229-6638 (Phone)
Microsoft Teams at
(available Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm)
Instructors may also contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).