Congratulations to 2017-18 Visiting Fulbright Scholar Gabriel Menotti (Queen’s University) on a new collection co-edited with Virginia Crisp (King’s College, London)! The new book, Practices of Projection: Histories and Technologies (Oxford, 2020) features chapters from Amanda Egbe, Ian Goode, Stefania Haritou, Yiyun Kang, Andréia Machado Oliveira, and others.
From the publisher:
Practices of Projection: Histories and Technologies addresses the cultural and technological significance of projection. Throughout the volume, chapters reiterate that projection cannot, and must not, be reduced to its cinematic functions alone. Borrowing media theorist Siegfried Zielinksi’s definition, Menotti and Crisp refer to projection as the “heterogeneous array of artefacts, technical systems, and particularly visual praxes of experimentation and of culture.” From this, readers can understand the performative character of the moving image and the labor of the different actors involved in the utterance of the film text.