- zahedi@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6454
- Lubar Hall N349
Fatemeh Zahedi
- UW-Milwaukee Distinguished Professor Emerita
- Professor Emerita, Information Technology Management
Previous titles held:
Church Mutual Insurance Faculty Scholar in ITM: 2016-18
Roger L. Fitzsimonds Distinguished Scholar: 2014-16
James R. Mueller Distinguished Scholar: 2012-14
Roger L. Fitzsimonds Distinguished Scholar: 2010-12
Trisept Solutions Professor in IT Management: 2007-11
Wisconsin Distinguished Professor: 1997-2007
DBA (Doctor in Business Administration), Decision and Information Systems, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
MBA, Major in Quantitative Business Analysis, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
BA, Economics, Tehran University
MA, Accounting, School of Accounting (NIOC), Tehran
BA, Accounting, School of Accounting (NIOC), Tehran
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Zahedi is internationally recognized for her research in combining theories behavior research and design science to address issues related to web-based systems (such as satisfaction, trust, culture, privacy, security and adoption), interface design and ontology, web/data mining and analytics, intelligent system and personalization, IT strategies, policies for software requirements and maintenance. Her current areas of business applications include behavior and design research in health behavior and medical care online, web-based disaster management, online privacy and security, and sustainability. She teaches undergraduate, graduate, and PhD courses in the areas of web mining and analytics, enterprise knowledge and semantic management, global IT management and PhD seminar related to issues and theories in web-based systems and applications.
Professional Activities
Dr. Zahedi has published numerous papers in the premier journals and in proceedings of international and national conferences (details are provided in the personal website). Dr. Zahedi has been the principal investigator (PI) of a number of funded research projects, including grants from National Science Foundation (NSF) and John and Jeanne Byrnes Grant from CTSI of Southeast Wisconsin and a number of others. She has served on the editorial boards of premier journals in her field, including as senior editor of MIS Quarterly, associate editor of Information Systems Research, as an editorial board of Journal of MIS, and a number of other major journals.
Dr. Zahedi has been actively involved in multi-disciplinary grant development and is an adjunct professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) of Southeast Wisconsin since 2009 for the purpose of collaborative research. Dr. Zahedi has consulted for a number of firms in Wisconsin and New England in the last 20 years, and has managerial experience in IT.
Dr. Zahedi is the recipient of numerous research awards from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Lubar College of Business, as well as best papers awards within the profession.