- retzerjj@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4427
- Lubar Hall S479
Joseph Retzer
- Teaching Faculty, Business Statistics
PhD, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
MS, Economics, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
BS, Economics, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Retzer has over 20 years of experience in market research analytics. During this time he has developed innovative statistical techniques in areas including key driver measurement in the presence of collinearity, prediction in covariance structure models, modeling of behavioral loyalty using survival analytic techniques, genetic algorithm based segmentation and Bayesian inference. His research interests include applied statistical and econometric analysis of marketing models in both classical and Bayesian frameworks.
Professional Activities
Dr. Retzer’s articles have appeared in various journals including Journal of Econometrics, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Decision Sciences, International Journal of Market Research, and European Journal of Operational Research. In addition, he has presented at numerous regional, national and international applied research seminars. He is a frequent presenter at the AMA Advanced Research Techniques (ART) Forum and Sawtooth Software practitioner conferences. He has served on the ART forum conference selection committee and conducted invited tutorials on “Advances in Market Segmentation” and “Predictive Analytics using Decision Trees” at Sawtooth Software’s market research conference the past 3 consecutive years. He received the 2004 corporate “Mark of Excellence in Research Award” from Maritz Research, as well as best presentation awards at both the Sawtooth Software market research and AMA ARTF (Advanced Research Techniques Forum) conferences.