Derek Nazareth

Derek Nazareth

  • Associate Professor, Information Technology Management


PhD, Management Information and Decision Systems, Case Western Reserve University
MBA, Information Systems, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
B. Tech., Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Nazareth specializes in software development, database management, medical informatics, and information privacy and security. His current research addresses heuristic optimization, social media analysis, and the ethical uses of medical data. He has taught courses in systems development, database management, and information privacy and security.

Professional Activities

Dr. Nazareth has published over 75 articles in leading peer review journals and conferences, spanning a variety of research topics including knowledge based systems, flexible manufacturing systems, distributed systems, web services, service oriented computing, and medical informatics.  He has been the recipient of close to a million dollars in grants for planning and assisting in deploying information technologies in public education and underserved institutions in Milwaukee, and has provided consulting services and training for several organizations in the Southeastern Wisconsin region.  He is a member of the Steering Committee for the interdisciplinary medical informatics programs at UWM.  He has served as the Program Chair for the Americas Conference on Information Systems and the Treasurer for International Conference on Information Systems.  He has also served on the Program Committees for Production and Operations Management Society, International Conference of Web Services, Design Science Research, and has headed several tracks at leading IS conferences.  He is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, and has served as Guest Associate Editor for Communications of the Association of Information Systems, and Coordinating Editor for Information Systems Frontiers.

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