Tim Haas

Timothy Haas

  • Associate Professor Emeritus, Business Statistics


PhD, Statistics, Colorado State University
BS, Engineering, California State University

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Haas specializes in multivariate statistics, spatial statistics, decision making using probabilistic networks, computer intensive statistical methods, time series, and ecosystem management. Currently, Dr. Haas is developing tools to help manage and conserve wildlife. He recently published the book "Improving Natural Resource Management: Ecological and Political Models" (2011, Wiley).  He has recently co-authored a paper in the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics that uses an agent-based model to study the poaching-driven extinction risks of the rhinoceros.

Professional Activities

Dr. Haas is active in several professional organizations and serves as referee for the Journal of the American Statistical AssociationAtmospheric Environment, and Statistics and Probability Letters. He participates regularly in workshops on statistical topics.

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