Lubar undergraduate marketing majors can further deepen their marketing knowledge by coupling an accelerated, STEM-designated MS degree in Marketing with their BBA Marketing degree — and complete both in about five years.

The field of marketing is rapidly and constantly changing. This accelerated program will enhance your marketing toolbox through coursework including predictive analytics, strategic product and brand placement, marketing analytics, and database marketing. In today’s competitive job market, this degree credential will set you apart from your marketing peers.

Program Type

Accelerated Graduate

Program Format

On Campus

Following is a sample outline of how your BBA-Marketing plus Accelerated Master’s in Marketing schedule might look.

Connect with your Undergraduate Advisor in your freshman or sophomore year to begin planning your course of study!

First Year

First Year – FallFirst Year – Spring
BUS ADM 100 Introduction to BusinessBUS ADM 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ECON 103 Principles of MicroeconomicsCOMM 103 or 105 Communication Requirement
ENGLISH 101 Introduction to College WritingECON 104 Principles of Macro Economics
HUMANITIES General Education RequirementENGLISH 102 College Writing and Research
MATH 208 Quantitative Models for BusinessNATURAL SCIENCE General Education Requirement

Second Year

Second Year – FallSecond Year – Spring
BUS ADM 202 Managerial AccountingBUS ADM 230 Intro. to IT Management
BUS ADM 210 Statistical Modeling in Business AnalyticsBUS ADM 350 Principles of Finance
ENGLISH 205 Business WritingBUS ADM 370 Intro. to Supply Chain Management
HUMANITIES General Education RequirementARTS General Education Requirement
SOCIAL SCIENCE General Education RequirementNATURAL SCIENCE LAB General Education Requirement

Third Year

Third Year – FallThird Year – Spring
BUS ADM 300 Career & Professional DevelopmentBUS ADM 462 Marketing Research
BUS ADM 330 OrganizationsMARKETING ELECTIVE Marketing Major Elective
BUS ADM 360 Principles of MarketingMARKETING ELECTIVE Marketing Major Elective
BUS ADM 391 Business LawMARKETING ELECTIVE Marketing Major Elective
BUS ADM 461 Consumer BehaviorGENERAL ELECTIVE General Elective
GENERAL ELECTIVE General ElectiveIBC International Business Component

Fourth Year

Fourth Year – FallFourth Year – Spring
BUS ADM 463 Marketing ManagementBUS ADM 762 Marketing Research
BUS ADM 600 Management AnalysisBUS ADM 806 International Marketing
BUS ADM 764 Buyer Behavior and Marketing CommunicationsBUS MGMT 709 Predictive Analytics for Managers
BUS MGMT 708 Marketing StrategyMARKETING ELECTIVE MS in Management – Marketing Elective

Fifth Year

Fifth Year – FallFifth Year – Spring*
BUS ADM 765 Strategic Product & Brand MgmtMARKETING ELECTIVE MS in Management – Marketing Elective*
MARKETING ELECTIVE MS in Management – Marketing ElectiveMARKETING ELECTIVE MS in Management – Marketing Elective*

*Students may complete these credits in the previous Fall term as full time students.

Degree requirementsmarketing electives, and course descriptions for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Degree requirementsmarketing electives, and course descriptions for the Master of Science in Management – Marketing can be found on the Graduate School website.


Undergraduate Student Services
Lubar Hall N297

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