Training Certificate/Annual Review Form
Table of Contents
Chemicals pose a variety of dangers to students, visitors, and staff working in the BMS laboratories. The Department of Biomedical Sciences Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is intended to cover and provide guidelines for individuals working with chemicals, as well as those in areas containing chemicals.
This procedure is intended to meet the requirements of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Laboratory Safety Standard, also known as “Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories” (Appendix A). The Laboratory Safety Standard is adopted by Wisconsin Department of Commerce (DCOM) in Chapter Comm 32. This CHP also addresses the federal Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA).
This policy applies to all students, non-students, and staff at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that utilize and/or require access to restricted areas in the Department of Biomedical Sciences teaching labs. Restricted areas include Enderis Hall B70, B72, B76, B78, B80, B86, B88, B90 and B92.
i. The immediate supervisor of laboratory personnel is responsible for:
1. Assuring that potential hazards of specific projects have been identified and addressed before work is started.
2. Ensuring there are written, laboratory-specific standard operating procedures for the protocols carried out in the laboratory that incorporate directions about how to mitigate the hazards of the procedures.
3. Developing and implementing a group Chemical Hygiene Plan.
4. Informing and training laboratory personnel and students regarding the specific hazards in their area and in the work they will be doing.
5. Scheduling time for laboratory personnel to participate in training
6. Documenting and maintaining records of safety training, including certification that all lab personnel have read and understand the Chemical Hygiene Plan
7. Enforcing UWM safety policies and safe work practices
8. Conducting periodic audits of the teaching space under their control
9. Reporting hazardous conditions to Department Chair or Dean
10. Investigating laboratory accidents, documenting the investigation (see UWM Accident/Incident Reporting Website), and sending copies of form with recommendations to the Chemical Hygiene Officer for review.
i. Each instructor teaching in the BMS laboratories is responsible for the students in their course. Responsibilities include:
1. Training students and course TA
2. Disseminating safety information to students
3. Keeping training and safety records
4. Assuring that students are following all safety guidelines
5. Supervision of students at all times while in the BMS laboratories
a. Students must have direct supervision by course instructor, course TA, or other BMS Faculty or Staff.
6. Evaluating and making recommendations for safety issues that are encountered
i. Faculty, staff, TAs and laboratory personnel who have significant responsibility for directing their own laboratory work are responsible for assuring that potential hazards of specific projects have been identified and addressed before work is started. All laboratory personnel, however, are responsible for:
1. Attending safety training sessions
2. Following safety guidelines applicable to the procedures being carried out
3. Assuring that required safety precautions are in place before work is started
4. Reporting hazardous conditions as they are discovered
i. All instructors working with human blood or body fluids, or other pathogens must follow the UWM Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, and complete UWM Bloodborne Pathogens Training available on the web. All instructors working with infectious material including attenuated lab and vaccine strains (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, prions), biologically-derived toxins, rDNA, and artificial gene transfer must follow requirements of the UWM Biosafety Program detailed in the Biosafety Manual.
ii. In addition to UWM policies, all instructors teaching in the BMS laboratories must follow the department specific policies. Policies that address laboratory safety and access include:
1. Utilization of Space and Supplies [BMS 1.0]
2. Biohazard Safety and Waste Disposal in the BMS Labs [SAFE 3.0]
3. Personal Electronic Devices in the Laboratory [SAFE 4.0]
4. Personal Protective Equipment and Dress Code [SAFE 5.0]
5. Exposure Control Plan [SAFE 6.0]
i. Laboratory instructors are responsible for ensuring there are written standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the teaching protocols conducted in their courses. The SOPs must identify the hazards of the protocol, as well as measures to be taken to mitigate those hazards.
ii. SOPs should include exposure controls and safety precautions that address both routine and accidental chemical, physical, or biological hazards associated with the procedure.
1. See Standard Operating Procedure Template for a template for writing new SOPs.
iii. SOPs must be accessible to students and staff working in the BMS laboratories. Keeping hard copies in the lab or having them on a computer in the laboratory fulfills the accessibility requirement.
iv. Extensive and detailed policies regarding hazardous waste management are specified in the UWM Waste Disposal Guide. Please refer to this Guide for approved waste handling procedures or contact Environmental Affairs at 229-4999 or 229-2883.
i. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are an important part of any Chemical Hygiene Plan to provide information to chemical users. MSDSs provide useful information such as:
1. The identity of the chemical substance
2. Physical and chemical characteristics
3. Physical and health hazards
4. Primary routes of entry
5. OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
6. Carcinogenic and reproductive health status
7. Precautions for safe handling and use (including PPE)
8. Spill response procedures
9. Emergency and first aid questions
10. Date the MSDS was prepared.
ii. Any chemical shipment received should be accompanied by an MSDS (unless one has been shipped with a previous order). All MSDS sheets should be forwarded to the BMS Undergraduate Laboratory Manager.
iii. MSDSs must be accessible at all times. Access to MSDSs can mean paper copies in a binder in the lab (preferred method) or electronic copies saved on a hard drive or bookmarked via manufacturer’s or other websites. All laboratory personnel (instructors, TAs) in the workplace should know where to find the MSDS and be trained on the use of computers to access MSDSs.
1. Hard copies of MSDS sheets can be found in room B76, in the labeled cabinet above and to the right of the sink.
2. Electronic copies of MSDS sheets can be found on the Safety Data Sheets page of the BMS Labs website.
iv. It is the responsibility of the course instructors to ensure that staff and students working in laboratories under their supervision have access to MSDSs (and other sources of information) for all hazardous chemicals used in laboratories under their control.
1. The “rule of thumb” is that any person working in a laboratory should be able to produce a copy of an MSDS for any hazardous chemical found in the lab within five minutes.
v. Material Safety Data Sheets used in the undergraduate teaching labs are maintained and updated by the BMS Undergraduate Laboratory Manager.
1. Electronic copies of MSDSs for chemicals used in research laboratories may be stored with the electronic MSDS files used for the BMS teaching labs. It is the responsibility of the faculty member overseeing the research lab to maintain current MSDS for all chemicals used in their laboratory.
For ALL emergencies, contact Campus Police-
9-911 from a campus phone or 229-9911 from a cell phone.
After an accident, supervisor(s) must complete and submit accident reporting forms within 24 hours. Worker’s Compensation policy and reporting forms are available on the UWM Human Resources website. General Incident forms are available at the US&A Risk Management website.
STUDENTS / VOLUNTEERS / VISITERS / GUESTS: Complete the university General Incident Report along with the BMS Accident Incident Report Form.
EMPLOYEES: Complete the university Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease form along with the BMS Accident Incident Report Form.
i. Emergency Procedure for Exposure to Blood, Body Fluids, or Other Potentially Infectious Material.
1. Follow procedure Exposure Control Plan [SAFE 6.0].
ii. Emergency Procedures for Chemical Spills/ Exposures
Complete spill and exposure response procedures are described at the UWM Emergency Response: Chemical Spills web page. However, the following quick reference guide is included for convenience in this Chemical Hygiene Plan.
1. For a Chemical Spill on Body:
a. Remove all contaminated clothing.
b. Flood exposed area with running water from a faucet or safety shower for at least 15 minutes.
c. Have another individual contact the University Police: 9-911 from any hard-wired campus phone or 229-9911 from a cell phone, to obtain medical attention.
d. Report the incident to your supervisor or instructor and University Safety and Assurances.
2. For a Chemical Splashed in Eye:
a. Immediately rinse eyeball and inner surface of eyelid with water continuously for 15 minutes. Forcibly hold eye lid(s) open to ensure effective wash behind eyelids.
b. Have another individual contact the University Police at x9-911 from any campus hard-wired phone, or 229-9911 from a cell phone to obtain medical attention.
c. Report the incident to your supervisor or instructor and University Safety and Assurances.
3. In the case of a small spill and low hazard situation, US&A (229-6339) will advise you on what precautions and protective equipment to use. After hours, contact University Police at 229-4627 (non-emergency).
4. For a major spill more than 8oz or Spill of unknown Material:
a. Evacuate the area
i. Leave the spill area; alert others in the area and direct/ assist them in leaving.
ii. Without endangering yourself, remove victims to fresh air, remove contaminated clothing, and flush contaminated skin and eyes with water for 15 minutes. If anyone has been injured or exposed to toxic chemicals or chemical vapors, call 9-911 (229-9911 from cell phone) and seek medical attention immediately.
iii. If spill poses a risk to others in the building, pull the fire alarm to evacuate building.
b. Confine the spill
i. Close doors and isolate the area. Prevent people from entering spill area.
c. Report the incident
i. From a safe place, call the Campus Police at 9-911 or 229-9911 from a cell phone. (Campus Police will contact US&A personnel.)
ii. Report that this is an emergency and provide:
1. Your name, phone number, and location
2. Location of the spill
3. The name and amount of material spilled
4. The extent of injuries
5. The safest route to the spill
iii. Stay on the phone, Campus Police dispatch will advise you as soon as possible.
iv. The Milwaukee Fire Department- Hazardous Materials Response Team or a contracted vendor will be contacted to clean up or stabilize spills that are considered high hazard (fire, health, or reactivity hazard).
d. Secure the area until emergency response personnel arrive
i. Block off areas leading to the spill
ii. Lock doors
iii. Post signs and warning tape
iv. Alert others of the spill
v. Post staff by commonly used entrances to the area to direct people to use other routes
i. Chemical Labeling
1. All chemical containers (both hazardous and non-hazardous) MUST be labeled.
a. The simple rule for chemical labeling is: “If a container looks like it contains a chemical (even a clear liquid), then it must be labeled with what it contains.”
2. Chemical names must be written out in English.
a. Proper labeling of chemicals is one way of informing people who work in laboratories of potential hazards that exist, and is important in the prevention of generating unknown chemical containers.
b. Proper labeling of chemicals is also necessary during emergencies, such as spill response and to facilitate medical treatment.
3. All personnel working in the laboratory must be fully trained on how to label chemicals using the system and how to understand the labeling system. Training must occur when a new person begins working in the laboratory, when new chemicals are introduced, and on a regular basis- annually at a minimum.
a. It is the responsibility of the course instructor to ensure all chemicals used for teaching procedures are properly labeled.
i. TAs are required by University Safety and Assurances to complete annual training on the handling of chemicals.
4. Manufacturer chemical containers
a. New chemical containers from manufacturers should have the proper labeling information on the chemical label. The OSHA Laboratory Standard requires that labels on all incoming containers must be maintained and not defaced. As part of laboratory good housekeeping and self-inspections, if any chemical labels appear to be falling off, then laboratory personnel should tape the label back on the container or re-label with a permanent label.
5. Non-original containers
a. Non-original containers (secondary use containers) such as wash bottles, squirt bottles, temporary storage containers, beakers, flasks, bottles, vials, etc. or any container that a chemical from an original container is transferred into, must be properly labeled. Laboratory personnel are strongly encouraged to use commercially available pre-labeled containers (such as squirt bottles) for chemicals that are used frequently.
6. In general, write out the full chemical name and any hazards associated with that chemical. However, labs may choose to label chemical containers in other ways such as:
a. Abbreviations – Structures and Formulas
Use of abbreviations such as structures, formulas, or acronyms is acceptable. However, if you use any abbreviations, you must post a “key” to the abbreviations in a visible location (preferably close to the chemicals and/or by the door). The “key” must contain the abbreviation and the name of the chemical. Including any hazards present is also useful information. Use Chemical Abbreviations Key Template for a sample fill-in the blank key. The abbreviation key must be readily available upon request by visitors, emergency responders, and state and federal regulatory agencies such as EPA, OSHA, or Wisconsin DCOM inspectors.
b. Small Containers and Sample Storage
For small containers, such as vials and Eppendorf tubes, which may be too small to write out a chemical name, structure, or formula, laboratories can implement other systems to identify the chemicals such as:
i. Placing the vial or small container in a Ziploc bag or other type of overpack container (beaker, plastic bottle, etc.) and labeling the overpack container with the chemical name.
ii. Laboratories can also make use of tag labels in which the chemical name is written out on a tag, and the tag is then attached to the small container with string or a rubber band.
iii. For vials in a test tube rack – laboratory personnel can simply label the rack with the chemical name, and then label the vials with an abbreviation, color, number, or letter code that corresponds to the label on the test tube rack. Be sure that the number or letter code is clearly identifiable and would not be confused with other chemicals in the lab.
iv. For preserved specimens, bottles should be labeled with the preservative (i.e. ethanol or formaldehyde). A large number of these labels could easily be produced on the computer using mailing labels.
v. For sample storage in refrigerators, laboratory personnel should label sample containers with one of the above methods, including labeling boxes that hold the small vials or chemical containers. Laboratories should also include a key to any abbreviations on the outside of the refrigerator.
ii. Laboratory Signage Program
1. Another form of hazard communication is the use of laboratory signs to notify entrants of the inherent dangers that are contained within the lab they are about to enter. Laboratory signage should include at a minimum:
a. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 704 Hazard Identification (diamond or placard)
b. Emergency Contact Information
i. Campus Police and phone number (9-911 or 229-9911 by cell phone)
ii. Laboratory Principal Investigator or Supervisor and phone number
iii. Alternate Contact and phone number
c. “Authorized Personnel Only”
d. Required hazard postings which include:
i. lasers
ii. ionizing radiation
iii. magnets
iv. biohazards
v. toxic gases
vi. “select carcinogens”
vii. reproductive toxins
viii. Substances which have a high degree of acute toxicity
2. For custom-made signs for your laboratory visit the Laboratory Safety Signs and Postings web page.
iii. General Safe Laboratory Practices
1. There are a number of ways laboratory personnel can safely handle and use chemicals, these include: minimizing exposure to chemicals, proper training, understanding chemical hazards, proper labeling, proper storage and segregation, and proper transport.
2. The best way laboratory personnel can protect themselves from chemical hazards is to minimize exposure to chemicals in the first place. Simple steps that can be taken to minimize chemical exposure include:
a. Whenever possible, substitute less hazardous chemicals for the hazardous chemicals used in your experiments.
b. Always try to use the smallest possible quantities of chemicals for all experiments. Consider trying microscale experiments and activities.
c. When possible, minimize chemical exposures to all potential routes of entry – inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye absorption, and injection by proper use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment.
d. Perform all experiments that involve toxic, volatile, or malodorous materials in the hood or in an enclosed container such as a vacuum system or glove box.
e. Be familiar with the hazardous properties of the chemicals you will use. Utilize Material Safety Data Sheets.
f. Do not operate equipment unless you have been instructed in its proper use.
g. Keep the laboratory free of clutter. Do not store chemicals on the floor. Keep exits and aisles unobstructed.
h. Make sure that you know the location of all safety equipment before beginning laboratory work.
i. Do not pipette or apply suction by mouth.
j. Do not smell or taste chemicals
k. Do not underestimate the risk of exposure to chemicals, even for substances of no known significant hazard.
l. Laboratory personnel should carefully plan out experiments (including conducting dry runs) in advance to identify any potential hazards, and include the specific measures that will be taken to minimize exposure to all chemicals to be used and proper positioning of equipment.
m. Chemicals that are particularly hazardous substances require prior approval from your supervisor and require special precautions to be taken.
n. When working with mixtures of chemicals, laboratory personnel should assume the mixture to be more toxic than the most toxic component used in the mixture and follow universal precautions.
o. All substances of unknown toxicity should be considered toxic until proven otherwise.
p. When working in cold rooms, keep all toxic and flammable substances tightly closed since colds rooms have recirculated atmospheres.
q. Be aware of the potential asphyxiation hazard when using cryogenic materials in confined areas such as cold rooms.
r. Never use or store cryogenic materials in a cold room.
s. Never use gases in a confined space such as a cold room or environmental chamber.
t. To prevent exposure to chemicals, do not eat, drink, chew gum, or apply cosmetics in areas where hazardous chemicals are being used.
u. Keep all food and drink out of areas where chemicals are handled or stored such as refrigerators and freezers. Refrigerators used to store chemicals should be labeled as “Chemicals Only – No Food.” Refrigerators used to store food should be labeled as “Food Only – No Chemicals.” See University Safety and Assurances Laboratory Procedures page for official UWM policies.
v. Be sure to select the proper PPE and regularly inspect it (particularly gloves) for contamination, leaks, cracks, and holes.
w. Wear proper attire- lab coat, pants, and closed-toe shoes. Confine long hair and loose clothing.
x. Always wash hands with soap and water after handling chemicals and especially before leaving the lab and eating – even if gloves were being worn during chemical handling.
y. Always remove lab coats and other personal protective equipment (such as gloves) before leaving the lab.
z. Do not attempt to scale up experiments until after you have run the experiment according to published protocols and you are thoroughly familiar with the potential hazards. When scaling up an experiment – change only one variable at a time, i.e. don’t change the heat source, the volumes, and the glassware all at once. Be sure to have someone else check your setup prior to each run.
aa. Do not smoke in any UWM facilities.
bb. Secure all compressed gas cylinders to walls or benches with metal chains.
cc. Minors are restricted from laboratories and other campus areas where physical, chemical, biological or other potential health and safety hazards are present. (See Minors in Laboratories, Shops and Studios)
iv. Other Laboratory Use Safety Guidance and Non-Chemical Safety Procedures
1. University Safety and Assurances Laboratory Equipment Safety
i. Fume Hood (located in B76)
1. The laboratory fume hood is the major protective device available to laboratory workers. It is designed to capture chemicals that escape from their containers or apparatus and to remove them from the laboratory environment before they can be inhaled.
2. Chemical characteristics to be considered in requiring fume hood use are:
a. Physical state
b. Volatility
c. Toxicity
d. Flammability
e. Eye and skin irritation
f. Odor
g. The potential for producing aerosols
3. A fume hood should be used if a proposed chemical procedure exhibits any one of these characteristics to a degree that:
a. Airborne concentrations might approach the action level (or permissible exposure limit)
b. Flammable vapors might approach one tenth of the lower explosion limit
c. Materials of unknown toxicity are used or generated; or
d. The odor produced is annoying to laboratory occupants or adjacent units.
4. Procedures that can generally be carried out safely outside the fume hood include those involving:
a. Water-based solutions of salts, dilute acids, bases, or other reagents
b. Very low volatility liquids or solids
c. Closed systems that do not allow significant escape to the laboratory environment
d. Extremely small quantities of otherwise problematic chemicals
ii. Safety Shields
1. Safety shields such as the sliding sash of a fume hood are appropriate when working with highly concentrated acids, bases, oxidizers, or reducing agents, all of which have the potential for causing sudden spattering or even explosive release of material. Reactions carried out at non-ambient pressures (vacuum or high pressure) also require safety shields, as do reactions that are carried out for the first time or are significantly scaled up from normal operating conditions.
iii. Biological Safety Cabinets (Located in B86 and B90)
1. Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC), also known as tissue culture hoods or laminar flow hoods, are the primary means of containment for working safely with infectious microorganisms. Cabinets are available that either exhaust to the outside or recirculate HEPA filtered air to the laboratory. They are not to be used for working with volatile or hazardous chemicals unless they are specifically designed for that purpose and are properly vented. Generally, the only chemical work that should be done in a BSC is that which could be done safely on a bench top involving chemicals that will not damage the BSC or the HEPA filter. For proper cabinet selection and use see, the CDC publication Primary Containment for Biohazards.
See Personal Protective Equipment and Dress Code [SAFE 5.0] for detailed policy on PPE in the BMS labs
i. Skin Protection
1. Appropriate clothing and footwear in university laboratories is essential in the laboratory as skin must be protected from hazardous liquids, gases, and vapors.
a. Bare feet, sandals, and open-toed or perforated shoes are not permitted in any laboratory
b. Loose clothing (sleeves, bulky pants, or skirts) should be avoided to prevent accidental contact with chemicals or open flames
c. Short pants and short skirts are not permitted, and clothing must cover the leg down to the tow. Long pants should be worn to cover skin that could be exposed during a spill.
2. It is recommended that lab coats be worn at all times when working in the BMS teaching labs. The use of lab coats is required when working with radioactive materials, biologically-derived toxins, Biosafety Level II organisms, carcinogens, reproductive toxins, substances that have a high degree of acute toxicity, and any substance on the OSHA PEL list carrying a “skin” notation.
a. Long lab coats (extending to the knee) are recommended in the BMS labs, while lab jackets that only extend to the waist may not offer adequate protection.
3. Gloves made of appropriate material are required to protect the hands and arms from thermal burns, cuts, biohazardous materials, and chemical exposure or that may result in absorption through the skin or reaction on the surface of the skin.
a. Non-latex gloves are available for use when working with biohazardous materials
b. Heat resistant gloves are available for use with autoclaved material and other hot items
c. Cryogen safety gloves are available for use in all cryogenic applications
ii. Eye Protection
1. Eye protection is required in all instances in which there is a reasonable risk of splashing, spray, spatter, droplets, or aerosols of blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials.
a. Safety glasses or side shields must be worn when working with materials that pose a low risk of splash or droplets that will not cause eye injuries, such as small amounts of chemicals, bacterial broth cultures, blood, and body fluids.
b. Safety goggles are required when working with strong chemicals, such as bleach
2. See the University Policy on Eye Protection in Labs and Studios for more information on the use of eye protection.
iii. Respiratory Protection (masks)
1. There are no laboratory procedures that require the use of respiratory protection in the BMS teaching laboratories.
2. See the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Respiratory Protection Program website for more information on the use of respiratory protection.
i. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are all strictly prohibited in any laboratory with chemical, biological, or radioactive materials. Faculty, staff must also be careful to restrict other actions (such as applying lip balm or rubbing eyes) which could inadvertently cause exposure to research materials. Consuming alcohol or taking illegal drugs in a teaching laboratory are strictly prohibited; as such actions potentially endanger the health and safety of not only the user, but everyone in the building.
ii. Before leaving the laboratory, remove personal protective equipment/ clothing (lab coat and gloves) using the “inside-out removal” method and wash hands thoroughly. Do NOT wear laboratory gloves or lab coats in public spaces or clean areas, such as:
1. Hallways beyond those directly adjacent to the BMS teaching labs
2. Elevators
3. At the drinking fountain
4. In the rest room
5. In the BMS conference room (B72)
i. Instructors teaching in the BMS teaching labs shall consider the hazards involved in their laboratory procedures that require specific types of personal protective equipment as described above.
ii. Undergraduate workers and students are prohibited from working alone in the laboratory unless there is a review and formal approval by the supervisor and safety committee.
1. See Guidelines for Students Working Alone Safely (UWM Policy) for university policy and recommendations.
2. See Utilization of Space and Supplies [BMS 1.0] for departmental policy on access to the BMS teaching labs.
Training in the appropriate use and care of fume hood systems, showers, eyewashes, and other safety equipment must be included in initial and annual training of faculty and staff. Training of students for use during teaching laboratories, as well as maintenance and storage of training records, is the responsibility of the instructor.
i. Fume hood (Located in B76) must be monitored each day of use by the user to ensure that air is moving into the hood. Any malfunctions must be reported immediately to Facility Services (229-4742).
1. Hoods without continuous reading devices should attach a strip of tissue or yarn to the bottom of the vertical sliding sash to indicate the air flow.
2. The user must ensure the hood and baffles are not blocked by equipment and bottles as air velocity through the face may be decreased.
3. Facility Services or University Safety and Assurances (US&A) staff will measure the average face velocity of each fume hood annually, as well as perform the Visual Capture Test. A record of monitoring results will be made.
4. The acceptable operating range for fume hoods is 80 to 120 linear feet per minute, at the designated sash opening (usually 18 inches). This is the height that the sash can safely be opened to while conducting chemical processes; however, it is best to work with the sash in the lowest position safely possible for shielding and chemical containment.
5. If a hood is found to be unacceptable, a “Caution: Out of Order” sign indicating the hood did not pass inspection and does not provide optimum protection will be attached in a conspicuous location. The warning sign will include the proper individuals to contact for the status of the fume hood.
6. During maintenance of fume hoods, laboratories must clean out, decontaminate the fume hood, if necessary, and restrict use of chemicals to ensure the safety of maintenance personnel. Facility Services should notify the laboratory of the maintenance as well.
ii. Biological safety cabinet (Located in B90) and laminar flow hood (located in B86) must be certified annually by an outside contractor, and any malfunctions must be reported immediately to the laboratory manager.
1. It is the responsibility of the department to schedule and pay for the contractor to perform annual certification.
2. If a hood is found to be unacceptable, a “Caution: Out of Order” sign indicating the hood did not pass inspection and does not provide optimum protection will be attached in a conspicuous location. The warning sign will include the proper individuals to contact for the status of the fume hood.
Under no circumstances should laboratory personnel continue to use a fume hood or biological safety cabinet that has not passed inspection and has a warning sign attached, even if the equipment appears to have airflow. Laboratory personnel must make arrangements with other laboratories with functioning fume hoods if their procedures require the use of a fume hood.
i. Eyewash stations (Located in B70, in hallway outside door of B88, and in room B90) must be flushed weekly by laboratory personnel. This will ensure that the eyewash is working, and that the water is clean, should emergency use become necessary.
1. Eyewash Station Maintenance Log [SAFE 7.0.A] should be posted near each eyewash station and filled out weekly.
2. Eyewash stations are checked annually by Facility Services. Laboratory Personnel should notify Facility Services (229-4742) if not up-to-date.
3. Any malfunctions must be reported immediately to Facility Services (229-4742).
ii. Fire extinguishers will be checked and maintained monthly by UWM Facility Services.
1. Laboratory Personnel should notify Facility Services (229-4742) if not up-to-date.
iii. The user is responsible for checking regularly to ensure that other protective equipment is functioning properly. Facility Services or US&A staff can assist with these evaluations should assistance be necessary.
i. All laboratory personnel (including but not limited to Instructors, TAs, and work study students) must be trained according to the requirements of the Laboratory Safety Standard. The laboratory personnel must be informed about their roles and responsibilities as outlined in this standard, as well as hazards associated with their work and how to work safely and mitigate those hazards.
1. US&A provides web-based training modules on the basic information and training topics described below on the Training and Resources: On-Line Training Modules page of the US&A website. Training that laboratory personnel should receive can be found in the attachment University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Training Requirements Worksheet.
2. Update training is required for all laboratory personnel at least annually.
ii. Each laboratory instructor is responsible for ensuring that their students are provided with training about the specific hazards present in their laboratory work area, and methods to control such hazards.
1. All students working in the BMS teaching labs are required to read and sign Safety Agreement [SAFE 3.0.A].
iii. If an instructor, faculty member, or staff member is considering having volunteers conducting experiments in the BMS teaching labs, they should contact US&A at 229-6339. If an instructor, faculty member, or staff member is considering having volunteer minors or other non-UWM-affiliated individuals working in the BMS teaching labs, they should contact US&A Risk Management at 229-5079.
i. It is essential that laboratory personnel (including but not limited to Instructors, TAs, and work study students) have access to information on the hazards of chemicals and procedures for working safely. This is found in following information sources:
1. The contents of the OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard
a. “Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories” and its appendices (29 CFR 1910.1450). A copy of this federal standard can be found in Appendix A.
2. The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
a. This generic CHP is available to all laboratory personnel on the Department of University Safety and Assurances’ web site. Individual department Chemical Hygiene Plans are available within those departments.
3. The Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
a. PELs for OSHA regulated substances can be found in Appendix B. Also included in Appendix B are the ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV) list, a list of OSHA health hazard definitions, lists of “select carcinogens” and reproductive toxins, and chemicals having a high degree of acute toxicity.
4. Signs and symptoms associated with exposures to hazardous chemicals
a. Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries (LCSSs) are included on pages 235-413 of Prudent Practices. LCSSs are similar to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), but are tailored to the hazards of laboratory use of those chemicals. The LCSSs include toxicity information and signs and symptoms of exposure to the chemicals.
5. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
a. Electronic copies of MSDS sheets can be found on the Safety Data Sheets page of the BMS Labs website, or the Department of University Safety and Assurances’ MSDS web site. Hard copies of MSDS for laboratory chemicals can be found in the first cabinet to the right of the sink in room B76, and are also available from US&A.
6. Information on chemical waste disposal and spill response
i. Laboratory personnel training programs will include, at a minimum, the following subjects:
1. Methods of detecting the presence of hazardous chemicals
a. Methods include visual observation, odor, real-time air monitoring, time-weighted air sampling, etc.
2. Basic toxicological principles
a. Principles include toxicity, hazard, exposure, routes of entry, acute and chronic effects, dose-response relationship, LD50, threshold limit values and permissible exposure limits, exposure time, and health hazards related to classes of chemicals.
3. Prudent laboratory practices
a. Prudent laboratory practices include general techniques designed to reduce personal exposure and to control physical hazards, as well as specific protective mechanisms and warning systems used in individual laboratories. Appropriate use of fume hoods is to be specifically addressed. The text Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Disposal of Chemicals (National Research Council, 1995) details general procedures to be followed in UWM laboratories.
4. Description of available chemical information
a. Container labels, Material Safety Data Sheets, laboratory signage, etc.
5. Emergency response actions appropriate to individual laboratories;
a. Lists of emergency phone numbers, location of fire extinguishers, deluge showers, eyewashes, etc.
6. Applicable details of the departmental Chemical Hygiene Plan;
a. Details should include general and laboratory-specific Standard Operating Procedures.
7. An introduction to the UWM’s Waste Disposal Guide.
i. All faculty, staff, and student laboratory personnel who work with hazardous substances will have an opportunity to receive medical attention, including any follow-up visits that the examining physician determines to be necessary under the following circumstances:
1. Signs or symptoms of exposure
a. Whenever laboratory personnel develop signs or symptoms associated with a hazardous substance or organism to which the laboratory personnel may have been exposed in the laboratory, the laboratory personnel will be provided an opportunity to receive an appropriate medical examination.
2. Exposure monitoring
a. Where exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level routinely above the action level (or in the absence of an action level, the PEL) for an OSHA regulated substance for which there are exposure monitoring and medical surveillance requirements, medical surveillance will be established for the affected laboratory personnel as prescribed by the particular standard.
3. Exposure incident
a. Whenever an event takes place in the work area such as a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence resulting in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure, the affected laboratory personnel will be provided an opportunity for a medical consultation. Such consultation will be for the purpose of determining the need for a medical examination.
4. Physical Injury
a. Whenever laboratory personnel are physically hurt or injured on the job, the affected laboratory personnel will be provided an opportunity for a medical consultation and/ or examination. Physical injuries include, but are not limited, to cuts, burns, punctures, and sprains.
5. Contact the Chemical Hygiene Officer (Zach Steuerwald, whenever the need for medical consultation or examination occurs, or when there is uncertainty as to whether any of the above criteria have been met. Non-employees should seek medical assistance from their personal health care provider.
i. Laboratory personnel (Employees) with urgent, but non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries should be accompanied to the nearest medical clinic.
1. If off-hours medical attention is required, the laboratory personnel should be taken to the emergency room at Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital (2301 N. Lake Dr., Milwaukee).
2. All medical examinations and consultations will be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and will be provided without cost to the laboratory personnel, without loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and place, if the laboratory personnel were working within the scope of employment at the time of the injury or illness.
ii. Students may go to the UWM Norris Health Center.
1. Students and research assistants may not be covered by Worker’s Compensation based on their employment status.
i. It is very important that even minor job-related injuries or illness are reported. These statistics help the Department of University Safety and Assurances track trends that may indicate occupational hazards that need evaluation. To report an illness or injury, utilize information and forms located on the UWM Department of Human Resources Worker’s Compensation website or call 229-5652.
ii. As long as the illness or injury is not life threatening, the supervisor should provide the laboratory personnel with the following forms to be completed and submitted to the Worker’s Compensation office:
1. the UWM “Worker’s Compensation Fact Sheet”
2. an “Employee’s Work Injury and Illness Report”
3. the “Authorization to Release of Medical Records” form
iii. Within 24 hours, the supervisor should complete and submit to the Worker’s Compensation office:
1. a State of Wisconsin “Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease” form
2. a UWM “Supervisor’s Accident Analysis and Prevention Report”
3. a UWM “Supervisor’s Evaluation of Repetitive Motion and/or Materials Handling Activities”
iv. When receiving medical attention for a Worker’s Compensation claim, it is highly recommended that you stay within the network of hospitals and medical providers included in your own health insurance. There is no guarantee that Worker’s Compensation will cover the costs of a claim that is treated outside of your approved hospital/ physician. Medical documentation is required to substantiate disability payments under Worker’s Compensation.
i. The laboratory worker’s supervisor, course instructor, or department will collect and transmit the following information to the examining physician at the time the laboratory personnel or student is examined:
1. Material Safety Data Sheet(s) providing chemical information and the identity of the hazardous substance(s) to which the laboratory personnel may have been exposed
2. A description of the conditions under which the exposure occurred including quantitative exposure data, if available
3. A description of the signs and symptoms of exposure that the laboratory worker is experiencing, if any
ii. For employees, the above information should also be provided to the Worker’s Compensation office with the completed forms.
i. Supervisors and instructors should request that the examining physician provide them with a written report including any recommendation for time off or restrictions and further medical follow-up.
ii. For employees, the following will be requested by the Worker’s Compensation office or should be submitted to the Worker’s Compensation office because of HIPPA rules and regulations:
1. The results of the medical examination and any associated tests
2. Any medical condition that may be revealed in the course of the examination that may place the laboratory worker at increased risk as a result of exposure to a hazardous chemical found in the workplace
3. A statement that the laboratory worker has been informed by the physician of the results of the consultation or medical examination and any medical condition that may require further examination or treatment
a. The written opinion will not reveal specific findings of diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure.
i. Exposure Evaluation
1. Any records of exposure evaluation carried out by individual departments (including continuous monitoring systems) will be kept within the department and also sent to the Department of University Safety and Assurances. Results of exposure evaluations carried out by US&A will be kept by US&A and sent to the affected department. Raw data will be kept for one year and summary data for the term of employment plus 30 years.
ii. Medical Consultation and Examination
1. Results of medical consultations and examinations will be kept by the Columbia St. Mary’s Corporate WoRx for a length of time specified by the appropriate medical records standard. This time will be at least the term of employment plus 30 years as required by OSHA.
iii. Training
1. Training records must be kept by the individual’s department or college for five years. Training records for laboratory volunteers must also be maintained for at least five years. The records must include the name and title of the trainer, the trainee, the date, and the content of training. A blank Training Record Template may be utilized as documentation.
iv. Fume Hood Monitoring
1. Data on annual fume hood monitoring will be kept in the Department of University Safety and Assurances. Fume hood monitoring data are considered maintenance records and as such the raw data will be kept for one year and summary data for 5 years.
v. Laboratory Audits
1. Laboratory supervisors, managers, and PI’s must coordinate and/ or conduct formal audits of laboratories in their sphere of responsibility at least annually using the Laboratory Inspection (audit) Form. Laboratory audits should be kept for at least 5 years.
vi. Accident Investigation Reports
1. Worker’s Compensation will maintain records of accident investigations. Reports should be kept for at least 5 years.
i. On an annual basis, this Chemical Hygiene Plan will be reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness by the Department of Biomedical Sciences Teaching Laboratory Manager and updated as necessary.
National Research Council. Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011.
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Department of University Safety and Assurances. (2010). Chemical Hygiene Plan University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI.
“EMERGENCY EYEWASH STATION REQUIREMENTS.” Emergency Eyewash Requirements ANSI Z358.1-2014. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.
“Safety and Health Information Bulletins | Potentially Hazardous Amoebae Found in Eyewash Stations.” N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.
A. It is recommended that all forms are completed immediately. If unable to complete at time of exposure, forms must be completed and submitted within 24 hours of incident.
a. General Incident Report must be submitted to the UW-Milwaukee, Department of University Safety & Assurances (address located on form).
b. Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease must be submitted to the Department of Workforce Development Worker’s Compensation Division (address located on form).
c. BMS Accident Incident Report Form is automatically submitted to Department of Biomedical Sciences Program Director.
B. For additional information, see US&A Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Accident Incident Report Form (BMS) PDF
Chemical Abbreviations Key Template
Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease
Laboratory Inspection (audit) Form
Eyewash Station Maintenance Log [SAFE 7.0.A]
Chemical Hygiene Plan Training Certification Log [SAFE 7.0.B] PDF
Chemical Hygiene Plan Emergency Information Sheet [SAFE 7.0.C]
Eyewash Flushing Information Sheet [SAFE 7.0.D]
Standard Operating Procedure Template
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Training Requirements Worksheet
Reviewed: 8/9/2016, 8/21/2017, 8/10/2018, 8/6/2019, 5/3/2023