Wisconsin Diagnostic Labs Tour Directions

BMS Labs

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Directions to Froedtert Wisconsin Diagnostic Labs

Address: 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee 53226-3596 (approximately 19 minutes from the UWM campus)

Clinical Coordinator: Jessica Carter  jcarter@wisconsindiagnostic.com


Park in the Orange parking structure (previously called the #3 structure) off of 87th Street (All buildings have their name at the top).

Across the street and around the corner, follow the posted signs to enter the Pavilion building, and enter through the doors marked Pavilion Entrance.

Follow to your right about 25-30 feet, until you see a ramp going down on your left.  Go down the ramp. 

Immediately to your right is the entrance to the Lab Building.  Once in the Lab Building, follow the hallway until you come upon a set of 2 elevators.  Take the elevators, labeled 36 and 37, to the 1st floor.

After exiting the elevators you will see a lobby with chairs.  Have a seat in the lobby and your tour guide will come greet you at tour time.