CSM Milwaukee Tour Directions

BMS Labs

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Directions to Columbia St. Mary’s – Milwaukee

Address: 2323 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee 53211 (approximately 5 minutes from the UWM campus)

Clinical Coordinators: Cynthia Boerner-Kuhr (cynthia.boernerkuhr@ascension.org) and Matthew Schutte (matthew.schutte@ascension.org)

Instructions: Park in Parking Structure B (off of Lake Drive just north of North Avenue) and enter through the Women’s Hospital.  You will meet your tour guide at the coffee shop just past the information desk at the Woman’s Hospital entrance.

If you have signed up for this tour but know in advance that you are unable to attend, please email Brad at bkdepons@uwm.edu.  If it is the day of the tour and you are running late or are not able to attend, please call or text Brad at 414-803-7965 to let him know.