Guitar area head featured on WUWM web series

René Izquierdo | Screenshot via WUWM

René Izquierdo (Professor, Classical Guitar; Area Head, Guitar) recently performed for WUWM as a part of their Live at Lake Effect web series.  

Filmed at the Lake Effect Surf Shop in Shorewood, Wis., Izquierdo played a handful of classical pieces from Eduardo Martín and Antonio (Ñico) Rojas. Both composers and Izquierdo are acclaimed Cuban guitarists. 

Izquierdo also gave a written interview with WUWM in which he discussed his shared loves: performing and teaching, with the latter being his true calling. 

“I love teaching, my calling is teaching, but if I stop performing then I cannot demand of [my students] the same way as I would demand of myself,” said Izquierdo. 

To watch Izquierdo’s performance and read the full story, visit WUWM.