All Day

Fiber//Form 2024

Kenilworth Square East, 3rd Floor Gallery 2155 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee

Exhibition of selected pieces from Fibers courses in the Department of Art & Design with an opening reception on Friday, February 2 from 5-7 p.m.

Music Department Student Recitals

Virtual or Hybrid
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Students showcase musical technique and skill, while audience members enjoy expert performances by Milwaukee’s emerging musicians. Recitals are streaming, free and open to the public.

Artists Now! Guest Lecture Series: Julie Chen

Virtual or Hybrid
Virtual Event Virtual Event

An internationally known book artist who has been publishing limited edition artists’ books under the Flying Fish Press imprint for over 20 years, Chen’s work is known for combining three-dimensional and movable book structures with fine letterpress printing and inspired artistic vision.