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High School Winterdances Matinee & Talkback

January 31, 2025 | 10:00 am 11:00 am

Winterdances Matinee and Talkback Promo Image
January 31, 2025 (10–11 a.m.)High School StudentsTheatre Building, Mainstage Theatredance-outreach@uwm.edu

Presenting a special matinee performance of Winterdances for high school groups and high school students. This show features world premiere dance works, where artists present their newest ideas made with their casts and collaborators.

Featuring works from UW-Milwaukee Department of Dance faculty Daniel Burkholder and Dan Schuchart, Dawn Springer, along with guest artist LA-based choreographer Jackie Lopez. Following the performance is a Q&A where audience members will have the opportunity to learn about the stage works and about life as a UWM dance student.


Groups and individuals are also encouraged to register separately for the FREE High School Workshop Day to follow the matinee performance.

Cost: Free

2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211