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Ben Balcom Headshot
  • Assistant Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
  • Co-Chair, Programming Committee
Portia Cobb Headshot
  • Associate Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
  • Director, Community Media Project
Mike Gibisser Headshot
  • Associate Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
  • Director, Film Graduate Program
  • Co-Chair, Programming Committee
Laura Harrison Headshot
  • Assistant Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
  • Area Head, Animation
Kelly Kirshtner HEADSHOT
  • Associate Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
Jesse McLean Headshot
  • Associate Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
  • Chair, Department of Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
Steve Wetzel Headshot
  • Interim Head of School, Peck School of the Arts
  • Associate Professor, Film, Video, Animation and New Genres