Art & Design student featured in Creating Milwaukee series

Jovanny poses in front of his photography on display
Jovanny Hernandez Caballero / Photo courtesy Nō Studios

Art & Design student Jovanny Hernandez Caballero (BFA, Art: Photography) was featured in an episode of Nō Studios’ documentary series Creating Milwaukee. The series explores and celebrates artists and creatives across Milwaukee, showcasing their work and how it relates to their community. 

Caballero’s appearance highlights his photography and its subsequent connection to his family. “My work has always been based around culture and identity,” he explains, detailing how despite being born and raised in Milwaukee, his family’s history is rooted in Oaxaca, Mexico. From a young age, Caballero has found murals throughout Milwaukee that spoke to him as they were able to represent one’s community with just a single image. 

In a corresponding piece with UWM Report, Caballero acknowledged his gratitude for the mentorship that he received during his time at PSOA. “I have had great support from teachers and professors.”

Learn more about Jovanny and watch the episode on the Creating Milwaukee website