Alumni Spotlight: Beyond the Curtain Call

Headshot of UWM Alumni Rachel Foster

Rachel Foster I Theatre: Production, BFA

Rachel Foster is currently an Automation Technician at Felt Entertainment.  

Educational Journey and Career Path 

While reflecting on what inspired her to pursue a BFA in Theatre Production, Rachel said, “I was first working towards a different degree, while at night I worked with professional theatre technicians having careers I’d dreamed about. Seeing so many young technicians successful and confident in their careers inspired me to make the transfer and pursue a theatre degree at UWM PSOA.”  

Impactful Classes and Faculty 

When asked about a class or professor that Rachel felt contributed to her success at UWM, Rachel expressed her gratitude, saying, “It is impossible to pick just one professor that contributed to my success, every PSOA professor I worked with cared about me on an individual level and supported me in my specific goals and personal journey. Specifically, though, I will never have enough gratitude for the support from Chris Guse, Steve White, and Jess Berlin, thank you everything.”  

Advice to Students

Rachel’s parting advice for current and future students is to embrace the opportunities that come their way. She emphasized the importance of having goals but cautioned against becoming too fixated on following a predetermined path. Rachel’s words of wisdom echoed, “It’s important to have goals, but don’t get too caught up on the “right way” to get there. Especially if it’s an opportunity to learn, always take it, you can never learn too much, and you never know what you’ll discover a passion for.”