Alumni Spotlight: Behind the Seams

Headshot of UWM Alumni Brent Roberts

Brent Roberts I Theatre, BFA: Costume Production

Brent Roberts is a talented Master Crafts Artisan/Dyer, currently showcasing his talent at Seattle Rep. Previously, Brent worked as a Costume Crafts Assistant at The LA Opera and The Old Globe Theatre, further solidifying his expertise in the world of costume production. 

Educational Journey and Career Path 

When asked what inspired him to pursue a BFA in Costume Production at Peck School of the Arts, Brent shared, “Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to be an artist. It wasn’t until I discovered the hobby of costuming/cosplay in the early 2000’s that I began to contemplate it as a career choice. I quickly grew passionate about the art form. When it came time to attend university my desire to know more about the professional techniques of costuming lead me to The Peck School of the Arts Theatre costume production program.” 

Impactful Classes and Faculty 

During his time at UWM, Brent had the privilege of learning from professors who contributed to his artistic growth. In reflecting on his time at UWM and the professors who contributed to his experience, Brent said, “All three of my professors (Pam Rehberg, Jeff Leider, and Louella Powell) at the time gave me invaluable skills. Painting and Dying is a class, (taught by Jeff Leider) that I have benefited from more than I could have imagined at the time. A large portion of my job at Seattle Rep revolves around very precise color matching with various dyes.”

Advice to Students

Brent’s advice to current and future students is to remain steadfast in pursuing their passion and never lose sight of the reasons that led them to choose a career in the arts. Brent encourages aspiring artists to, “Keep following your passion and don’t lose sight of why you decided to go into the arts in the first place. Be open to moving to a new city if you’re offered your dream job. There were many low paying jobs, and some that didn’t pay me at all, along the way before I got to a staff position at a LORT theatre. Definitely demand your worth, but never settle for comfortability if it means sacrificing your original dream (or a new one that has evolved along the way, sometimes that happens too.) 

Connect with Brent

To learn more about Brent’s artistic journey, you can connect with on LinkedIn or stay updated through his Instagram: @brent_elsewhere.