Alumni Spotlight: Art, Community, and Environmental Impact

Headshot of UWM Alumni Melanie Ariens

Melanie L. Ariens I Art: Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking, BFA

Melanie L. Ariens is a passionate artist and dedicated Creative Arts Manager currently working at Milwaukee Water Commons. With a lifelong love for the arts and a commitment to environmental issues, Melanie’s journey has been shaped by her creative pursuits and a deep connection to her community.  

Educational Journey and Career Path 

When asked what inspired her to pursue a BFA in Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking, Melanie’s story traces back to her childhood. She shared, “My parents say they knew I would be an artist since I was 5 years old and tried to glue my artwork to the dining room wall. Coming from a skilled-trades family, I had what I call a “making things” problem and was always drawing, sewing, knitting, leather tooling, and even cake decorating. They fostered my creative interests and were makers themselves, making stained glass, building a wood-strip canoe, cutting apart and welding together old bikes; they had the do-it-yourself spirit and there was always something interesting going on. My parents were super supportive of my creativity and because of my interests, I attended Alverno’s Young People’s Art Program from age 5-13. I also had excellent art teachers in the Greendale Public Schools, namely Virgilyn Driscoll in High School, who pushed me to pursue art and led me to opportunities to attend UW-Green Bay’s Summer Art Camp and Summer Figure Drawing studio at MIAD. The decision to attend UWM was easy since it was so accessible and affordable. I feel that Milwaukee has evolved and is a great place for students. It’s big enough to feel urban and has a vibrant arts scene, but it’s small enough to feel like home. My general feeling is that Milwaukee has a warm, welcoming and supportive arts community.” 

Impactful Classes and Faculty 

Throughout her time at Peck School of the Arts, Melanie was able to learn from an assortment of faculty from diverse disciplines. While specializing in Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking, she also enjoyed Fibers and Ceramics. Melanie noted, “There were so many faculty I enjoyed working with. My degree is in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking, but I really enjoyed learning all the disciplines, especially fibers and ceramics, and I create mixed-media art today. The late professors Anthony Stoeveken, Jack Waldheim, John Colt, Lawrence Rathsack, were all influential. Marna-Goldstein Brauner, Leslie Vansen, and Jill Sebastian – I am grateful to still cross paths and have connections to them and am still inspired by their incredible creative practices.” 

Advice to Students

Melanie’s advice to current and future students is to immerse themselves in the studio and seize every opportunity available. She emphasizes, “You will learn as much from your peers as you will from your professors, so support each other and keep in touch with them beyond university. This is the time to take risks and try everything. If you aren’t making some bad art along the way, you aren’t taking enough risks. Your best work will come when you are teetering on the edge of your comfort zone. Explore other interests deeply because they will influence your art work. I enjoyed taking Environmental Studies, Geology and Genetics classes, and these interests are still a big part of my work. There are so many great, free or cheap programs at UWM to intersect with, like the Science Bag, the Manfred Olson Planetarium, the Union Cinema, the Union Art Gallery – Check it all out! Explore creating community art and get involved with organizations that interest you outside of art. You never know when sharing your creativity will inspire and have an impact. If you are on the fence about whether or not to enroll, know that right now, I am also the proud mother of a current Peck School of the Arts student! My daughter, Dora Peregrine, attended the University of Denver for two years, but made the switch to UWM and couldn’t be happier with the change to a larger program with excellent faculty. She appreciates the diversity and the way UWM is engaged throughout the city as a whole.” 

Achievements and Contributions

Since graduating from UWM, Melanie has achieved notable recognition for her creative work. Her focus on the Great Lakes and freshwater issues has led to regional exhibitions, including a showcase at the Museum of Wisconsin Art. Beyond her work winning awards in several exhibitions, Melanie was recognized as the Community Partner of the Year Award from UWM after mentoring UWM Community Arts Students. Melanie also shared, “Most recently I was the first artist recognized by the River Network, a National Organization, for my work with Milwaukee Water Commons. I received the River Hero Award, which has been given to 5 people annually for 20 years – so hopefully they will continue to recognize artists’ contributions to environmental issues. I am excited to have the first solo show in the newly renovated Union Art Gallery this Fall. I worked for the Union Art Gallery as a college student, so it feels like a full circle moment.” 

Connect with Melanie

To explore Melanie’s artistic endeavors, please visit her website. You can also learn more about Melanie’s work with Milwaukee Water Commons here.