Master of Arts in Language, Literature, and Translation
All foreign languages taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are part of a combined Masters Program: Master of Arts in Language, Literature, and Translation (MALLT). UWM’s three language departments (Ancient and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; French, Italian, and Comparative Literature; and Spanish and Portuguese) are all part of this program.
Of the language programs offered in our department, Masters degrees are regularly given in German and Classics, and occasionally have been granted in Russian and Hebrew Studies. The basis of the program is language and literature study, but recently a Graduate Certificate in Translation has been established in the MALLT program.
There are on-going negotiations with the School of Education for establishing a Master of Arts in Teaching collaboratively between MALLT and the School of Education. Once that is established, information about it will appear here, as well.
Graduate Certificates
Adult/University Level TESOL Graduate Certificate
The Adult/University-Level TESOL Graduate Certificate Program is designed to meet the needs of graduate non-degree students or graduate students who wish to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to adults or university-level students abroad.
Graduate Certificate in Translation
The Certificate in Translation offers professional training to students in French, German and Spanish who wish to pursue careers in translation or in areas of government or business requiring professional use of a foreign language.