Study Abroad opportunities in languages taught in the Department of Ancient and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures are found most actively in Chinese, German, Hebrew Studies, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Swedish. In addition to programs organized here at UWM, our students can partake in a large number of nationally-based programs.
There are several study abroad opportunities in Germany. The main German overseas program for undergraduates takes place at the Justus Liebig Universität in Giessen, Germany. It is an exchange program which takes place either during our spring semester, from Mid-March till mid-July or for the entire academic year. We encourage our German majors to participate in the Giessen exchange. The program is available to students at any Wisconsin university or college. Students must have sophomore standing and the equivalent of at least four semesters of college German. Details can be found at the Center for International Education.
Students can also participate in one of three International Summer University programs in the state of Hesse, Germany. These programs are approximately one month long and take place in the cities of Marburg, Frankfurt, and Kassel. The content of these programs changes annually but often include seminars in the areas of cultural studies, political science, economics, engineering, and banking and finance. Students take German language courses and seminars in either English or German.
The University of Wisconsin system also has a special exchange with the state of Hesse. The Hessen-Wisconsin Student Exchange is a broad-based program with a variety of courses offered among participating institutions. These may include total German immersion classes, courses in various disciplines taught in English, or German language and culture for non-native speakers. In general, at least four semesters of college level German is necessary. Students can choose to study in Kassel, Marburg, Giessen, Fulda, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, or Darmstadt.
The department sponsors an annual five-week Summer Study Program at Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. This five-credit program provides up to 100 hours of Polish language at beginning, intermediate or advanced levels, as well as additional lectures and excursions. UWM students can study in Poland for a semester or year through other university programs.
As part of a consortium with University of Wyoming and Saratov State University, UWM offers a six-week summer program in Saratov, 450 miles southeast of Moscow. The program includes 75 hours of intensive language training at Saratov State University, a homestay with a Russian family, several weekly excursions, travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg, and a cruise down the Volga River. Students earn six UWM credits in Russian language. See:
UWM students also participate in several other study abroad programs in Russia. Credits earned through these programs can be transferred to UWM and applied toward Russian degree programs. There is a broad variety of such programs available, from month-long programs to academic year programs, and in cities like St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir.
Students interested in study abroad in Russia should contact the Coordinator, Professor Joe Peschio (, 414-229-4949).