This project involves researchers from George Mason University, UW-Madison and UWM. The aim of the project is to detect depression and suicidal intentions expressed through social media and provide targeted, customized and tailored interventions at the point of need. Our target population is LGBTQ Teens and Youths (from age 13 to 25).
● Nambisan, P., Mariyala. S,P., Jannalagedda, S.R. N.M. (2024). Transgender expressions of suicide in social media: Analysis of emotions in social media posts using AI. The American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting 2024.
• Nambisan, P. (2022 October). Invited Session Chair. Title: Detecting and Preventing Suicide among Youth using social media analytics. Social Media Analytics Cluster, INFORMS Annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN. (Presenters: Farrokh Alemi, Niloofar Ramezani, Sammie Omranian)