Social media as a venue for collecting and analyzing massive global data
Published work & Presentations
Rastegar-Mojarad, M, Liu, H., Nambisan, P. (2016). Feasibility of using social media data to identify potential candidates for drug repurposing. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(2):e121. DOI: 10.2196/resprot.5621; PMID: 27311964.
Nambisan, P., Luo, X., Kapoor, A., Patrick, T., & Cisler, R. (2015). Social Media, Big Data and Public Health informatics: Ruminating behavior of depression revealed through Twitter. Proceedings of the HICSS -48 (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences) conference, Kauai, Hawaii.
Nambisan, P., Luo, X., Kapoor, A. (2014). Social Media and Big Data: Can tweet moods predict illness and hospital visits in a region? APHA conference 141st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.