Click on the video below to watch the Stars Have Stories series. You can see the other videos in the series by clicking on the list icon in the upper right-hand corner of the video.
What do you see during day and night?
Together we will go on a tour of the day and night sky. What is there to see?
Where are the stars?
Explore the history of stars. What clues do they leave? If we lived for a very long time, the constellations we see now would be different.
WATCH: Dr. Jean Creighton discusses how stars change over time.
How fast do stars move?
How fast are stars zipping through space? Do they make steady long-lived friendships with other stars?
WATCH: Dr. Jean Creighton presents on the speed of stars and how we can measure things like speed.
How do stars help us tell stories?
Different cultures around see different star patterns in the sky. Hear some of these stories.
WATCH: Dr. Jean Creighton tells us about how different cultures see the stars.