Planetarium audience

Manfred Olson Planetarium

Connecting the community to the beauty of the night sky and wonders of the cosmos

Our Mission

The UWM Planetarium connects the community to the beauty of the night sky and the wonders of the cosmos through live, interactive programs that engage audiences in entertaining, innovative, and accessible ways. Whether you’re a student, family, or member of the community, we welcome you! Learn more about the UWM Planetarium.

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Jean’s Corner

The staff of the Planetarium stand in front of its doors.

Dear UWM Planetarium friends:

My wonderful students come up with interesting ideas. For the last three years, they have been suggesting that we offer laser shows. After a year of trying, we finally secured them. I hope that people will enjoy listening to some of their favorite music in our wonderful space.

Speaking of our wonderful space, I was absolutely thrilled to see the special interactions between our guest speakers this past month with our audience: The artist who impressed Pu Chen with the handmade stylized firecracker decorations they made for Lunar New Year. The young woman who is trying to learn Igbo, the native language of her parents and one of our speakers, Vitalis Nwashindu. A couple in the audience told our speaker from Kenya, Susan Murabana, that they had recently visited an elephant sanctuary in Kenya—Susan’s favorite animal.

I love how together we are able to make the world one under the stars.

I hope to see you under the stars soon,


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