OCRC offers a free coffee bar for off-campus students! Come in during our office hours to grab a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa and feel free to stay and study!
We also partner with Commuter Student Association (CSA) for Commuter Study Sessions to meet other commuters and get some work don.! Keep an eye out for these throughout the semester!
The UWM Graduate School compiled a great list of businesses and amenities surrounding campus such as grocery stores, laundromats, bookstores, hospitals, coffee shops, theatres, movie theaters, event and sports venues, barber shops, salons, spas, museums, foods, childcare, car washes, banks, and print & copy services. What’s Around Campus 2023
If you live off-campus, you might be responsible for removing snow at your apartment/ house. Check your lease to see who at your residence is responsible for snow removal. If you are responsible for snow cleanup, chat with your roommates to decide how you want to allocate the responsibly.
The City of Milwaukee also has regulations about snow, check out the Department of Neighborhood Services Snow Operations for more information.
Take the bus? MCTS has tips about riding the bus in winter weather. Buses may experience delays in the snow so plan for extra time to get to where you’re going.
Colder weather can cause spikes in energy bill costs, but following some of these tips can help you save some money while also staying warm.
Feel around your house and find drafty doors or windows. Drafts keep your house from reaching the temperature that you’ve set, therefore keeping the heat on longer and costing you more money. Windows can be insulated using insulation kits and door-bottom stoppers keep drafts from coming through doorways. Both can be found at retailers such as Walmart and Home Depot or online on Amazon. These are easy to install and can save you a considerable amount of money in the long run.
Did you know that in the state of Wisconsin, landlords are required to meet certain weatherization standards for properties they own? Windows must be double-glazed or equipped with storm windows. Other requirements are in place for patio doors, weatherstripping, caulking, and more. If your rental property is not up to code, you have the legal right to request window insulation from your landlord at no additional cost to you.
If no one is going to be home, set the thermostat at a lower temperature. There’s no need to keep the house warmer if it is going to be unoccupied. Letting in sunlight also helps to keep rooms warmer so don’t hesitate to open up those blinds! Finally, as you get into the holiday spirit, be sure that any lights you use are LED and not incandescent lighting. LED lights use at least 75% less energy than older lights so keep that in mind when you’re decorating your home.
Learn more by reading some energy saving tips. WeEnergies provides some energy saving ideas and tips as well. Following these tips can keep you warm while helping reduce costs!
As we enter the winter season, it’s important to adhere to the city of Milwaukee’s winter parking regulations to ensure efficient snow removal. Please take note of the following guidelines:
1. Alternate Side Night Parking (December 1 – March 1): Between December 1 and March 1, alternate side night parking is mandatory. On even-numbered calendar days before midnight, vehicles with valid night permits must be parked on the side of the street with even house numbers. On odd-numbered calendar days before midnight, vehicles should be parked on the side with odd house numbers. This regulation is applicable from 2:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. Exceptions may apply. Please visit the Winter Parking Regulations- Not Individually Posted page to look up if this applies to your street. To learn more about how to purchase an overnight parking permit, please visit Permits (milwaukee.gov).
2. Snow Emergency Declarations: During snow emergencies declared by the Commissioner of Public Works, temporary “No Parking” signs may be posted for efficient snow removal operations. These emergencies continue for a period of 72 hours or until snow plowing operations are completed. Vehicles parked against these regulations may be subject to citations.
3. No Parking Through Highways and Bus Routes (December 1 – March 1): Overnight parking is prohibited on through highways and mass transit (bus) routes during the winter months. This restriction is in effect from 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. Please refer to the Winter Parking Regulations- Not Individually Posted page to see if this applies to your street.
4. Parking Violations and Penalties: Failure to comply with winter parking regulations may result in citations as follows:
- 1st violation: $50
- 2nd violation: $100
- 3 or more violations: $150 and eligibility for towing. For more information regarding citations please visit Citations (milwaukee.gov).
5. Street Parking Alternatives: During declared snow emergencies and cleanup periods, Milwaukee Public Schools make certain locations available for overnight parking. Please refer to the following list for more information at Off-street Parking at MPS Locations (milwaukee.gov).
Stay updated on winter parking regulations by signing up for text alerts via Milwaukee Parking Alerts.
Remember, posted signs always take precedence. Your cooperation in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated and contributes to our community’s safety and efficient snow removal.
UWM’s Transportation Services manages parking on campus. You can purchase a parking permit to park in a campus lot, or a popular option with commuter students is the UPARK surface lot at Capitol and Humbolt. Students who pay their student segregated fees can obtain a free permit online at uwm.edu/transportation/portallogin. A shuttle takes students to/from the lot to campus – make sure you have your PantherCard to ride!
The City of Milwaukee Parking Services webpage is a great resource for students looking for street parking. Below are some of the rules that can be found on the Milwaukee General Parking Regulations website. Make sure to check their website for the most up to date information.
Daytime Parking:
- If a street has no posted time restrictions, vehicles may park on the street all day. Night parking hours are 2:00 am through 6:00 am. Note: During a snow emergency, night parking hours are 10:00 pm through 6:00 am.
- If there is hourly parking, marked by street signage, parking is limited to the posted time restrictions.
- At least 15 ft of clearance must be maintained when parked in an alley.
- Daytime and Temporary Night-time Parking Permits
Night Parking:
There is no parking on city streets between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Monday through Saturday unless a vehicle has:
Other Parking Regulations:
- No 24-Hour Parking
- No vehicle is permitted to stand in one place on a highway for more than 24 hours.
- Private Property
- No motor vehicle shall be left parked within the front yard or the front, rear street, side street, or side setback of the principal building or any residential property. This includes single family, 2-family, and multi-family dwellings.
- Loading Zones
- Loading zones are to be used for the purpose of, and while engaged in, loading or unloading.
- Reporting an Illegally Parked Vehicle
- Call (414)-286-CITY or Report a Violation Online
- Types and Costs of Parking Citations
- The types and costs of parking citations can be found here.
Below is a list of some frequently asked questions from students:
- Does all street parking in the City of Milwaukee require a day-time parking permit?
- No, not all streets require a parking permit. Be sure to acknowledge the posted signage explaining if the street is permit parking only, time limited, or paid metered parking.
- Are out-of-state license plates free to park on streets that do not require a day-time permit?
- Yes, as long as the vehicle remains compliant with the posted signs and has up to date registration.
- Will out-of-state residents be required to switch their license plates to WI plates in order to receive a day-time parking permit?
- Yes, or you will need to find alternate parking accommodations, such as a parking garage. One place to look for parking spots in on the listing service OCRC partners with, College Pads.
- The Union has lots of places to hangout throughout the building, a few popular places are:
- Union Terrace (ground floor), there are lots of tables and is conveniently located near Union Station for easy snacking.
- Food Court (floor 1), lots of smaller tables for eating and hanging out.
- EG Hallway (ground floor), tucked away from the busier places in the Union this is a great place to find a quieter study spot in the Union.
- 3rd Floor Lobby (floor 3), this newly renovated space in the union has several couches and study areas.
- UWM’s library is a popular location to hangout and work. It has three floors with different quietness levels so you can find the right place to socialize or be productive.
Northwest Quadrant
- The main floor has lots of comfortable couches and large chairs.
Endris Hall
- Denemark Lounge
- Many buildings have nooks, quiet corners, and lounge spaces for you to enjoy. Explore the buildings you frequent often to try to find those less advertised hangout spots – your department might even have a dedicated lounge space for their students.
Currently microwaves are located in:
The Student Union –
- Ground floor, to the right side of Union Station
- 1st floor in between TacoBell and Burger King
- 1st floor behind the Union Gallery
Milwaukee is a city known for its festivals and local events, you can keep up to date with what’s going on in Milwaukee with the Visit Milwaukee Events Calendar.