Project Application

The first stage of the application requires both team and individual applications. Please submit completed applications as a team. Individual and team applications should be submitted by May 9, 2016.

Applicants should already have earned a masters’ degree. Applicants without a masters’ degree will not be considered.

Individual Application

Team Application

If you are from a small school and only one of a few math/science teachers, please use the Small School Application instead of the Team Application.

Applications are Word documents; please fill in the appropriate fields, save the document and add your individual or school name to the filename as appropriate, and email them back to Mike Steele at

The MMTP team will contact applicants with the details of the second stage of the process as applications are received.  The second phase of applications will ask you to share some artifacts from your teaching practice (lesson plans, mathematical tasks, labs, student work, video, etc.) and will be due on June 17, 2016.

This project is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (awards 1540840 and 1557397) to the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.  The content on this site does not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.