For more information, contact the building chairs below:

EMS BuildingRobert Barry251-5349
Enderis HallChristian Caflisch229-7007
Engelmann HallJennifer Herriges430-7508
Garland HallPatrick Reilly229-5330
Golda Meir LibraryArchives/Records Management229-5402
Mellencamp HallSusan Noss229-4255
Mitchell HallPeter Jankowski229-4083
Lubar HallMary Bruno229-3823
Northwest QuadChad Zahrt229-5421

For more information about the shredding service, please contact UWM Facilities Services at 229-4742.

If your building has a shredding bin and you have records to destroy, please contact your Custodial Supervisor to have those records taken to the bin. If your building does not have a shredding bin, please contact UWM Facilities to arrange for your records to be picked up and taken to the nearest shredding bin on campus.

Please note that only records which have been scheduled for confidential destruction under the Public Records Law (Wisconsin Statutes 16.61) should be placed in these bins. Under state law, university offices have the legal authorization to destroy records only after the Public Records Board approves a records retention schedule for the records series. All records placed in the shredding bins must have an approved records retention schedule designating the records for confidential destruction.

Records scheduled for confidential destruction may contain the following types of confidential information: Social Security numbers; grades and other records documenting academic performance of students; personal financial or medical information or other personally identifiable information (PII); and information relating to personnel matters.