The below forms are some of the most common used by offices to manage, schedule, and/or retrieve their records. Please follow the instructions listed by each form.

Records Transfer Form (Online): Fill out this online form before transferring records to the Archives. The form will notify the records manager to contact you to schedule a pickup, and will also send you an email with the provided information which will serve as your receipt of transfer. You may fill out a simple box or folder inventory in the form itself, or attach an inventory as a spreadsheet (a sample template is below).

Records Inventory: Please fill this form out to the best of your ability, then E-MAIL it, attach it to your Transfer Form, or otherwise send it electronically to in advance of pickup. This will be used to provide a preliminary inventory for the records.

Record Series Description Worksheet: The records officer may request completion of this form before creating new records schedules. Please complete to the best of your ability and return electronically to the Archives. No signature is required.