The Office of Legal Affairs and other campus departments have developed training opportunities on legal and compliance issues. A list of some of these training opportunities, a brief description of each, and links where you can get further information is below. We welcome suggestions for additional training as well as opportunities to partner with other units on campus to provide joint training.


In order to help UWM comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), five online training modules are available. Each training module is targeted to a particular subset of the UWM community required to comply with HIPAA, including students, volunteers, employees, and researchers. In person HIPAA training is also available to demonstrate how to use the online training program.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides students with the right to inspect his/her own educational records and also limits disclosure of a student’s personally identifiable information absent the student’s consent. This training provides UWM staff an overview of the laws and policies governing the acceptable use and release of student records, as well as how to comply with these laws and policies.

Compliance Training

All UWM employees are required by UW System policy to receive training on three topics:

  • Mandatory Reporting: Executive Order #54 – Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Information Security: Securing Data and Information Technology
  • Title IX: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Discrimination

Professional Development Training

Human Resources offers several trainings for professional development, including supervisory training.

This training focuses on legal issues in the recruiting process. Topics covered include basic principles, diversity and affirmative action, open meetings and public records laws, creating and retaining documentation, and candidate confidentiality. The campus recommends that all members of search and screen committees receive this training.

Ethics & Confidentiality

Legal Affairs provides a training on topics including accepting items of value (including meals, gifts, and opportunities), personal relationships, nepotism, outside consulting, signature authority, safeguarding materials, proper use of University information, records destruction, and public records requests.

How to Contract with UWM

This training focuses on contract basics including contractual provisions specific to UWM. Topics include signature authority, non-discrimination clauses, choice of law and venue, indemnification and liability, confidentiality and open records, proprietary data, and using UWM’s name.