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Exploraciones – Chapter III – Food
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las calorías calories
los carbohidratos carbohydrates
los cereales grains
el colesterol cholesterol
la comida basura/chatarra junk food
la dieta diet
la fibra fiber
la grasa fat
la harina flour
los lácteos dairy
las legumbres legumes
el marisco seafood
el mate a tea popular in Argentina and other South American countries
la merienda light snack or meal
los minerales minerals
la porción portion
las proteínas proteins
el sodio sodium
las vitaminas vitamins
la bolsa bag
la botella bottle
el frasco jar
el gramo gram
el kilo kilo
la lata can
la libra pound
el litro liter
el paquete packet, box
congelado/a frozen
descremado/a skimmed
dulce sweet
embotellado/a bottled
magro/a lean
picante spicy
salado/a salty
saludable healthy
vegetariano/a vegetarian
adelgazar to loose weight
asar to grill
aumentar to increase
consumir to consume
disfrutar to enjoy
eliminar to eliminate
engordar to gain weight
evitar to avoid
freír to fry
hornear to bake
limitar to limit
ponerse a dieta to put oneself on a diet
prescindir to do without
probar to taste, to try
reducir to reduce
Exploraciones – Chapter III – Literary Terms & Expressions
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la obra collection of work during a writer’s career
el poema poem
la poesía poetry
el/la poeta/poetisa poet
posiblemente possibly
puede ser que it might be
quizá/s maybe
tal vez maybe
Exploraciones – Chapter III – More Verbs
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adelgazar to loose weight
asar to grill
aumentar to increase
consumir to consume
disfrutar to enjoy
eliminar to eliminate
engordar to gain weight
evitar to avoid
freír to fry
hornear to bake
limitar to limit
ponerse a dieta to put oneself on a diet
prescindir to do without
probar to taste, to try
reducir to reduce
emocionar to thrill, to excite
encantar to love
enojar to make angry
frustrar to frustrate
gustar to like
importar to be important
molestar to bother
negar to deny
preocupar to worry
sentir to be sorry, to regret
sorprender to surprise
temer to fear
tener miedo de to be afraid of
Exploraciones – Chapter III – Expressions with the Subjunctive
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(no) dudar que (not) to doubt
(no) negar que (not) to deny
(no) creer que (not) to believe that
(no) pensar que (not) to think that
(no) suponer que (not) to suppose that
(no) estar seguro/a que (not) to be sure that
(no) ser cierto/verdad/obvio/evidente que (not) to be true/true/obvious/evident that
(no) constar que (not) to be apparent (having witnessed something)
(no) parecer que (not) to seem that
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