¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Daily Activities
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levantarse to get up
despertarse to wake up
afeitarse to shave
bañarse to bathe
ducharse to take a shower
dormirse to fall asleep
lavarse to wash up
maquillarse to apply makeup
peinarse to comb
quitarse (el pijama) to take off (your pjs)
secarse to dry oneself
sentarse to sit dow
vestirse to get dressed
ponerse contento/a to become happy
ponerse furioso/a to become furious
enfadarse to get mad
sentirse to feel
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Some Parts of the Body
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la cara face
los dientes teeth
la mano hand
la nariz nose
el ojo eye
el pelo hair
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Personal Care Items
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el brillo de labios lip gloss
el champú shampoo
la espuma/ la crema (de afeitar) (shaving) cream
el jabón soap
el maquillaje makeup
la máquina de afeitar electric razor
la navaja de afeitar razor
el peine comb
el secador hair dryer
el cepillo (de dientes) (toot)brush
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Personal Care Items
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el brillo de labios lip gloss
el champú shampoo
la espuma/ la crema (de afeitar) (shaving) cream
el jabón soap
el maquillaje makeup
la máquina de afeitar electric razor
la navaja de afeitar razor
el peine comb
el secador hair dryer
el cepillo (de dientes) (toot)brush
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Furniture and Accessories
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los aparatos domésticos household appliances
la aspiradora vacuum cleaner
la cama bed
la cómoda dresser
el cuadro painting
la lámpara lamp
la lavadora washing machine
el lavaplatos dishwasher
la mesa de noche/ la mesilla nightstand
la plancha iron
la secadora clothes dryer
el sillón armchair, overstuffed chair
el sofá sofa, couch
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Parts of a House
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el baño bathroom
la casa house, home
la cocina kitchen
el comedor dining room
el cuarto room, bedroom
el dormitorio bedroom
el garaje garage
el jardín garden
el pasillo hallway
el patio patio, backyard
el piso floor
la sala/ el salón living room
la terraza terrace
el balcón balcony
¡Arriba! – Chapter V – Household Chores
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hacer la cama
lavar/fregar (los platos/el piso) to wash (the dishes/the floor)
limpiar la casa to clean the house
ordenar la casa to tidy up the house
llenar/poner el lavaplatos/lavavajillas to load the dishwasher
pasar la aspiradora to vacuum
poner la mesa to set the table
quitar la mesa to clear the table
recoger la ropa (del piso/de la secadora) to pick up/collect clothes (from the floor/the dryer)
sacar la basura to take out the garbage
vaciar el lavaplatos to empty the dishwasher
Chapter V – Skit
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In this skit, you are going to see two roommates knowing to each other. You will practice with Gustar-like verbs, as well as with vocabulary related to hobbies. Along with the skit, you will find a short quiz about what you have watched. Good luck!