Unit 6

Quizlet Transportation

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고속버스 express bus
교통 traffic
기차 train
배 boat
버스 bus
비행기 airplane
자동차 car
자전거 bicycle
지하철 subway
(-)호선 subway line number (i.e. 1호선)
KTX Korean express train (high speed train)
걸어서 on foot (by walk)
갈아타다 to transfer (transportation)
내리다 to get off
타다 to ride
버스 정류장 bus stop
지하철 역 subway station
어떻게 가요? How do I go there?
얼마나 걸려요? How long does it take?

Quizlet Dialogues

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시장 market
저기 over there (there, that place)
(-)이나 (particle) as much, as many
(-)쯤 about (approximately)
저기요. Excuse me (over here; to get someone’s attention; to call the waiter)

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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다음 날 the next day (the following day)
첫날 the first day
걷다 to walk
다니다 to attend (go regularly)
시작하다 To start
가깝다 to be close (to be near)
늦다 to be late
빠르다 to be fast
멀다 to be far (away)
교통이 복잡하다 there is a traffic jam (heavy traffic)
(-)에서 from (location; at, in, on)
(-)까지 to (marker)
이제 now
일찍 도착하다 to arrive early
조금 a little

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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주말 weekend
사진을 찍다 to take a picture
(-)한테서 from (of, through)
다음에 꼭 같이 가요. Let’s go together next time.
사진 좀 보여 주세요. Please show me the picture.
와! wow
참 멋있어요. this is great (this looks great; so stylish!)