This section contains materials for the Beyond the Basics textbook. The supplemental vocabulary for each lesson is included.
Lesson 1: Childhood 童年往事
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往事 past happenings (wǎngshì)
金色 gold color (jīnsè)
人生 life (rénshēng)
黄金时期 golden age (huángjīn shíqí)
儿童 youth, children (értóng)
无忧无虑 carefree and without worries (wúyōuwúlǜ)
其实 as a matter of fact, actually (qíshí)
回忆 recall; recollection (huíyì)
为人处世 one’s conduct in society (wéirénchǔshì)
猜 guess, suspect (cāi)
家庭背景 family background (jiātíng bèijǐng)
惊讶 surprised (jīngyà)
确定 determine, make sure (quèdìng)
自信 self-confident (zìxìn)
读书人 scholar, intellectual, learned person (dúshūrén)
传统 tradition; traditional (chuántǒng)
道德 morality, ethics (dàodé)
注重 lay stress on (zhùzhòng)
鼓励 encourage; encouragement (gǔlì)
好好 earnestly (hǎohāo)
诚实 honest (chéngshí)
责任感 sense of responsibility (zérèngǎn)
由于 owing to; as a result of (yóuyú)
与人为善 be kind to people (yǔrénwéishàn)
与书为友 learned (lit. be friends with books) (yǔshūwéiyǒu)
大吃一惊 be greatly surprised (dàchīyìjīng)
自从 ever since (zìcóng)
回想 recall, reminisce (huíxiǎng)
成长 growth, development (chéngzhǎng)
的确 indeed, really (díquè)
假如 if, supposing (jiǎrú)
经历 experience; go through (jīnglì)
实际 reality; practical (shíjì)
时光 times (shíguāng)
富 rich, wealthy (fù)
解释 explain; explanation (jiěshì)
外表 outward appearance (wàibiǎo)
活泼 lively (huópō)
耐心 patient; patience (nàixīn)
大胆 bold, daring, not timid (dàdǎn)
积极 positive, active, dynamic (jījí)
乐观 optimistic (lèguān)
悲观 pessimistic (bēiguān)
害羞 shy (hàixiū)
勇敢 brave (yǒnggǎn)
勤奋 hardworking, diligent (qínfèn)
仔细 meticulous, careful (zǐxì)
训练 to train; training (xùnliàn)
激发 to stimulate (jīfā)
注意 to pay attention (zhùyì)
奖励 to encourage with a bonus/prize (jiǎnglì)
探讨 to explore, to discuss (tàntǎo)
表演 to perform; performance (biǎoyǎ)
善于 to be good at (shànyú)
重视 to emphasize (zhòngshì)
基本功 basic skill, foundation (jīběngōng)
习惯 habit; to be used to (xíguàn)
兴趣 interest (xìngqù)
智慧 wisdom (zhìhuì)
Lesson 2: Describing a Person 评价一个人
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评价 appraise; evaluation (píngjià)
邓小平 (1904-1997) post-Mao leader in China (Dèng Xiǎopíng)
好奇 curious (hàoqí)
人物 character, personage (rénwù)
一生 one’s whole life (yīshēng)
大起大落 change radically (dàqǐdàluò)
平凡 ordinary, common (píngfán)
了不起 extraordinary, remarkable (liǎobùqǐ)
敬佩 admire (jìngpèi)
怀念 cherish the memory of (huáiniàn)
天真 innocent, naive (tiānzhēn)
感情用事 irrational (gǎnqíngyòngshì)
依 depend on, according to (yī)
自私自利 totally selfish (zìsīzìlì)
心狠手辣 cruel and merciless (xīnhěnshǒulà)
独裁者 dictator (dúcái zhě)
证据 evidence (zhèngjù)
根据 basis; according to (gēnjù)
活生生 vivid, living (huóshēngshēng)
事件 event (shìjiàn)
保全 save from damage (bǎoquán)
利益 interest, profit, benefit (lìyì)
不仅 not only (bùjǐn)
命令 order; command (mìnglìng)
军队 armed forces (jūnduì)
枪杀 shoot dead, kill by firearm (qiāngshā)
撤消 cancel, rescind, revoke (chèxiāo)
支持 support (zhīchí)
民主 democracy; democratic (mínzhǔ)
改革 reform (gǎigé)
总书记 secretary-general (zǒngshūjì)
职务 post, position (zhíwù)
难道 Is it possible that…? (rhetorical question) (nándào)
不得已 have no alternative but to (bùdéyǐ)
苦衷 feeling of pain, difficulties (kǔzhōng)
紧要关头 critical moment (jǐnyào guāntóu)
无论 no matter (wúlùn)
采取 adopt (measures) (cǎiqǔ)
激烈 intense, acute, fierce (jīliè)
手段 means, measure, method (shǒuduàn)
冷静 sober, calm (lěngjìng)
一时 the spur of the moment, a short while (yīshí)
冲动 excitement; be impetuous (chōngdò)
下令 send down an order (xiàlìng)
杀 kill (shā)
所作所为 behavior, actions (suǒzuò suǒwéi)
表明 make known, show, make clear (biǎomíng)
地地道道 authentic, typical (dìdìdàodào)
偏激 (of opinion) extreme (piānjī)
英俊 handsome, good-looking (yīngjùn)
大方 generous, naturally poised (dàfāng)
内在 inherent, intrinsic (nèizài)
慈悲 merciful, benevolent (cíbēi)
地步 extent (dìbù)
性情 disposition, temperament (xìngqíng)
或多或少 more or less (huòduō huòshǎo)
存在 exist; existence (cúnzài)
矛盾 contradiction; conflict (máodùn)
普通人 common people/person (pǔtōngrén)
弱点 weak point, shortcoming (ruòdiǎn)
伟人 great person/personage (wěirén)
远见 far-sightedness, vision (yuǎnjiàn)
魄力 courage, daring (pòlì)
形容 describe (xíngróng)
安全 safe, secure; safety (ānquán)
沟通 communicate; communication (gōutōng)
彼此 each other, one another (bǐcǐ)
观念 notion, concept (guānniàn)
成为 become, turn into (chéngwéi)
谈论 talk about, discuss (tánlùn)
地位 position, status (dìwèi)
欣赏 appreciate, enjoy, admire (xīnshǎng)
长相 look, appearance (zhǎngxiàng)
个性 personality (gèxìng)
脾气 temperament (píqì)
处事 (socially) deal with things (chúshì)
讨厌 nasty; be disgusted with (tǎoyàn)
处理 solve (problem); dealing with (chǔlǐ)
选择 choose, select; choice (xuǎnzé)
遭 suffer from (disaster, etc.), incur (zāo)
责骂 scold; scolding (zémà)
否则 otherwise (fǒuzé)
蠢 stupid (chǔn)
直 straightforward (zhí)
野 wild
狠 ruthless
贪 greedy
娇 squeamish, pampered
虚伪 hypocritical, phony
小气 stingy
俗气 unsophisticated, unrefined
高雅 elegant and cultured
粗心 careless
敏感 sensitive
迟钝 slow in response, dim-witted
性感 sexy
骄傲 arrogant, proud
谦虚 modest
幽默 humorous
滑稽 funny
自卑 feeling inferior
同情 sympathetic; to sympathize
体贴 considerate
多情 affectionate
幼稚 childish
唯利是图 only care about profit
热情洋溢 enthusiastic
冷若冰霜 ice-cold (of people)
沉默寡言 taciturn, silent
油腔滑调 glib
贪得无厌 greedy
安分守己 content with one’s lot
自作聪明 consider oneself clever
自以为是 self-righteous, impervious to criticism
Lesson 3: Master Salesperson 推销高手
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高手 master hand (gāoshǒu)
顾客 customer; client (gùkè)
业务 service, business (yèwù)
公司 company, corporation (gōngsī)
增设 establish an additional (organization, unit) (zēngshè)
宽带 broadband (computer) (kuāndài)
上网 go online (shàngwǎng)
网络 (computer) network (wǎngluò)
项目 project, program (xiàngmù)
计算机 computer (jìsuànjī)
打扰 disturb, trouble (dǎrǎo)
透过 go through (tòuguò)
显得 appear (to be) (xiǎnde)
不耐烦 impatient (bùnàifán)
有史以来 in history, ever (yǒushǐ yǐlái)
绝不 definitely not (juébù)
骗 deceive, fool (piàn)
研发 develop; research and development (yánfā)
成本 (production) cost (chéngběn)
降低 reduce, cut down (jiàngdī)
费用 cost, expenditure, expense (fèiyòng)
自然 naturally; nature; natural (zìrán)
各个 each, every (gègè)
顺便 along the way, in passing (shùnbiàn)
时段 time interval (shíduàn)
不仅如此 not only that (bùjǐn rúcǐ)
转 turn, shift, change, transfer (zhuǎn)
折价券 discount coupon (zhéjiàquàn)
吸引力 attraction, appeal (xīyǐnlì)
肯定 confirm; positive (kěndìng)
不管 no matter (what, how) (bùguǎn)
竞争力 competitive power (jìngzhēnglì)
考虑 consider; consideration (kǎolǜ)
另外 another; moreover (lìngwài)
免费 be free of charge (miǎnfèi)
享受 enjoy (rights, benefits); enjoyment (xiǎngshòu)
干脆 simply; straightforward (gāncuì)
有效 effective, valid (yǒuxiào)
方式 way, manner (fāngshì)
达到 achieve, reach (dádào)
目的 purpose, goal, objective (mùdì)
技巧 technique, skill (jìqiǎo)
广告 advertisement (guǎnggào)
分析 analyze, analysis (fēnxī)
产品 product, goods (chǎnpǐn)
本身 oneself (běnshēn)
理由 reason, justification (lǐyóu)
负责人 person in charge (fùzérén)
充满 be full of (chōngmǎn)
谎言 lie, falsehood (huǎngyán)
长裤 pants (chángkù)
短裤 shorts (duǎnkù)
牛仔裤 jeans (niúzǎikù)
裙子 skirt (qúnzi)
背心 vest (bèixīn)
衬衫 shirt/blouse (chènshān)
汗衫 undershirt (hànshān)
内衣 underwear (nèiyī)
内裤 underpants (nèikù)
睡衣 pajamas (shuìyī)
胸罩 bra (xiōngzhào)
西装 suit (xīzhuāng)
领带 necktie (lǐngdài)
燕尾服 tailcoat (yànwěifú)
大衣 overcoat (dàyī)
雨衣 raincoat (yǔyī)
风衣 windbreaker (fēngyī)
毛衣 sweater (máoyī)
套头毛衣 pullover sweater (tàotóu máoyī)
高领毛衣 turtleneck sweater (gāolǐng máoyī)
游泳裤 swimming trunks (yóuyǒngkù)
游泳衣 swimming suit (yóuyǒngyī)
便鞋 loafers (biànxié)
高跟鞋 high heels (gāogēnxié)
凉鞋 sandals (liángxié)
皮鞋 leather shoes (píxié)
拖鞋 slippers (tuōxié)
鞋带 shoelaces (xiédài)
靴子 boots (xuēzi)
半筒袜 knee-high socks (bàntǒngwà)
袜子 socks (wàzi)
扣子 button (kòuzi)
腰带 belt (yāodài)
帽子 hat, cap (màozi)
手套 gloves (shǒutào)
围巾 scarf (wéijīn)
手帕 handkerchief (shǒupà)
耳环 earrings (ěrhuán)
项链 necklace (xiàngliàn)
手镯 bracelet (shǒuzhuó)
戒指 ring (jièzhi)
Lesson 4: Various Professions 各行各业
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各行各業 various fields (of profession) (gèhánggèyè)
律師 lawyer (lǜshī)
偶然 accidentally;incidental (ǒurán)
事務所 (law) firm (shìwù suǒ)
坐班 to be on duty (official hours) ( zuòbān)
令人羡慕 admirable (lìngrénxiànmù)
整天 all day long (zhěngtiān)
粉笔 chalk (fěnbǐ)
灰 ash, dust (huī)
领 receive (remuneration), accept (lǐng)
固定 fixed, regular (gùdìng)
薪水 salary, pay, wages (xīnshuǐ)
穷 poor, impoverished (qiǒng)
值得 be worthy (zhíde)
赚 make a profit, earn (zhuàn)
来之不易 not easy to come by (láizhībùy)
压力 pressure, burden (yālì)
假日 holiday, day off (jiàrì)
加班 work overtime (jiābān)
轻松自在 relaxed (qīngsōngzìzài)
事实 fact, reality (shìshí)
未必 may not, not necessarily (wèibì)
科研 scientific research (kēyán)
合作 cooperate, cooperation (hézuò)
各处 each (concerned) place (gèchù)
经费 funding, expense (jīngfèi)
论文 scholarly article, thesis, dissertation (lùnwén)
发表 publish (articles) (fābiǎo)
数量 quantity, amount (shùliàng)
质量 quality (zhìliàng)
解雇 discharge, dismiss (jiěgù)
既然 since, now that (jìrán)
职业 occupation, profession (zhíyè)
当初 in the beginning, at first (dāngchū)
在乎 care about (zàihū)
名声 reputation (míngshēng)
骂 curse, call names (mà)
唯利是图 only think of profits (wéilìshìtú)
尊敬 respect; honor (zūnjìng)
意识 to be aware; awareness (yìshí)
角度 point of view, perspective (jiǎodù)
天生 born, inborn, inherent (tiānshēng)
骗子 swindler, cheater (piànzi)
职责 duty, responsibility (zhízé)
客户 client (kèhù)
争取 strive for, fight for (zhēngqǔ)
权益 rights and interests (quányì)
法庭 court (fǎtíng)
专业 specialty; professional (zhuānyè)
训练 drill, exercise; training (xùnliàn)
算是 be considered (suànshì)
有意 purposely (yǒuyì)
撒谎 lie, tell a lie (sāhuǎng)
实际上 in fact, in reality (shíjìshang)
行业 trade, profession (hángyè)
等于 equal to, be equivalent to (děngyú)
至少 at least (zhìshǎo)
到。。。。。。为止 as of, until (dào…… wéizhǐ)
目前 present time (mùqián)
鼻子 nose (bízi)
争 contend, debate (zhēng)
俗话 common saying, proverb (súhuà)
出人头地 surpass others, be outstanding (chūréntóudì)
怨 blame, complain (yuàn)
适合 suit, fit; suitable (shìhé)
从事 pursue (a career), be engaged in (cóngshì)
理想 ideal (lǐxiǎng)
描述 describe (miáoshù)
心理 psychology (xīnlǐ)
编辑 editor (biānjí)
厨师 chef (chú shī)
法官 judge (not a verb) (fǎ guān)
歌星 star-singer (gē xīng)
工程师 engineer (gōngchéngshī)
护士 nurse (hù shì)
记着 reporter (jì zhě)
建筑师 architect (jiàn zhù shī)
教练 coach (jiàoliàn)
警察 policeman (jǐng chá)
科学家 scientist (kē xué jiā)
会计 accountant (kuài jì)
秘书 secretary (mìshū)
尼姑 nun (ní gū)
清洁工 janitor (qīng jié gōng)
摄影师 photographer (shè yǐng shī)
图书馆员 library (túshūguǎnyuán)
校长 (school) president, principle (xiào zhǎng)
研究员 researcher (yánjiūyuán)
音乐家 musician (yīnyuèjiā)
艺术家 artist (yì shù jiā)
演员 performer (yǎnyuán)
运动员 athlete (yùn dòng yuán)
总统 president (zǒng tǒng)
Lesson 5: Problem Solving 难题几则
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则 item (zé)
之一 one of .. (zhīyī)
餐馆 restaurant (cānguǎn)
麻婆豆腐 spicy tofu (name of a Chinese dish) (mápódòufu)
新鲜 fresh (xīnxiān)
味道 taste, flavor (wèidào)
怪 strange, odd (guài)
理论 argue; theory (lǐlùn)
倒霉 have bad luck (dǎoméi)
老板 boss, manager (lǎobǎn)
过期 past the expiration date (guòqī)
亲子 in person (qīnzì)
按照 according to (ànzhào)
规定 regulation; stipulate (guīdìng)
尝 taste, try the flavor of (cháng)
饭菜 meal, food and dishes (fàncài)
抱歉 be sorry; regret (bàoqiàn)
不对劲 be abnormal (bùduìjìn)
付 pay (fù)
讲理 be reasonable (jiǎnglǐ)
将近 close to, almost (jiāngjìn)
不像话 be insensible, be outrageous (bùxiànghuà)
反而 on the contrary (fán’ér)
出口伤人 hurt people by words (chūkǒushāngrén)
董事 be sensible (dǒngshì)
随时 at any time (suíshí)
慢用 enjoy your meal (lit. use slowly) (mànyòng)
调整 adjust; adjustment (tiáozhěng)
开口 start to talk (kāikǒu)
说服 persuade, convince (shuōfú)
家教 private tutor (jiājiào)
一落千丈 drop drastically (yīluòqiānzhàng)
恨 hate (hèn)
高考 college entrance exam (gāokǎo)
教育 education (jiàoyù)
制度 system (zhìdù)
理解 understand; comprehension (lǐjiè)
甚至 even to the point of, (go) so far as to (shènzhì)
产生 give rise to (chǎnshēng)
厌世 be pessimistic (be tired of the world) (yànshì)
情绪 feeling, mood (qíngxù)
劝 exhort, persuade (quàn)
固执 stubborn (gùzhí)
不断 uninterruptedly (bùduàn)
背诵 recite (bèisòng)
适应 adapt to adjusted to, used to (shìyìng)
根本 absolutely; foundation (gēnběn)
浪费 waste (làngfèi)
提出 put forward, rise (tíchū)
分手 break up (fēnshǒu)
对方 counterpart, the other (duìfāng)
伤害 injure; harm (shānghài)
委屈 feel wronged (wěiqū)
建议 advise; suggest (jiàn yì)
诺言 promise (nuò yán)
违背 go against (break a promise) (wéibèi)
原谅 forgive (yuán liàng)
对。。。不满 feel dissatisfied with (duì…bùmǎn)
抱怨 complain (bào yuàn)
对。。。提出控告 complain against (duì…tíchūkònggào)
发牢骚 grumble (fāláosāo)
发怒 become angry (fā nù)
公平 fair (gōngpíng)
关你什么事 none of your business! (guān nǐ shénme shì)
发脾气 lose one’s temper (fāpíqì)
他妈的 Damn it! (swear word) (tāmāde)
滚开 get lost! (gǔnkài)
伪君子 cheapskate (wěijūnzǐ)
老油条 old fox (lǎoyóutiáo)
畜生 beast (chù sheng)
Lesson 6:Dining Out 午餐
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加薪 raise pay (jiāxīn)
庆祝 celebrate (qìngzhù)
备课 prepare lessons (bèikè)
一连 in succession (yīlián)
头昏 dizzy (tóuhūn)
营养不良 malnutrition (yíngyǎngbùliáng)
口味 flavor of food (kǒuwèi)
恐怕 (I’m) afraid that (kǒngpà)
清淡 (of food) light (qīngdàn)
蔬菜 vegetables, greens (shūcài)
吃素 (to be) a vegetarian (chīsù)
严格 strict, rigorous (yángé)
素食 vegetarian food (sùshí)
海鲜 seafood (hǎixiān)
补充 replenish; supplement (bǔchōng)
蛋白质 protein (dànbáizhì)
至于 as for, so far as (zhìyú)
螃蟹 crab (pángxiè)
一概 without exception (yīgài)
忌 avoid, abstain from (jì)
辣 hot, spicy (là)
亲戚 relative (qīnqi)
宴席 banquet, feast (yànxí)
精致 fine, exquisite (jīngzhì)
选用 select and use (xuǎnyòng)
原料 ingredient (yuánliào)
腥味 fishy smell (xīngwèi)
砂锅 earthware pot (shāguō)
地道 pure, authentic (dìdào)
炒 pan-fry, stir-fry (chǎo)
豆芽 bean sprout (dòuyá)
足够 enough, ample (zúgòu)
优点 merit, strong point (yōudiǎn)
豆沙 bean paste (dòushā)
味精 MSG (for cooking) (wèijīng)
芝麻 sesame (zhīma)
一流 of the best quality, top of the line (yīliú)
甜点 sweet snacks, dessert (tiándiǎn)
百吃不厌 be never tired of eating (bǎichībùyàn)
血压 blood pressure (xuèyā)
血脂 blood fat (xuèzhī)
做东 be the host (of a meal) (zuòdōng)
推辞 turn down, decline (tuīcí)
面子 face (of feeling) (miànzi)
破费 be extravagant (lit. break expense) (polite phrase) (pòfèi)
有机食品 organic food (yǒujī shípǐn)
有关 relate to; relevant (yǒuguān)
吸引 attract (xīyǐn)
排队 line up (páiduì)
刷卡 scan a card (shuākǎ)
密码 password (mìmǎ)
菜单 menu (càidān)
餐具 tableware, silverware (cānjù)
刀子 knife (dāozi)
叉子 fork (chāzi)
筷子 chopsticks (kuàizi)
盘子 plate (pánzi)
汤匙 spoon (tāngchí)
碗 bowl (wǎn)
火腿 ham (huǒtuǐ)
香肠 sausage (xiāngcháng)
牛肉 beef (niúròu)
牛排 steak (niúpái)
猪肉 pork (zhūròu)
猪排 pork chop (zhūpái)
羊肉 lamb (meat) (yángròu)
老 tough, overdone (lǎo)
嫩 tender (nèn)
龙虾 lobster (lóngxiā)
茄子 eggplant (qiézi)
黄瓜 cucumber (huángguā)
葱 green onion (cōng)
蒜 garlic (suàn)
姜 ginger (jiāng)
面条 noodles (miàntiáo)
面包 bread (miànbāo)
三明治 sandwich (sānmíngzhì)
水果 fruit (shuǐguǒ)
苹果 apple (píngguǒ)
橘子 tangerine, orange (júzi)
樱桃 cherry (yīngtáo)
草莓 strawberry (cǎoméi)
葡萄 grape (pútao)
葡萄干 raisin (pútaogān)
柠檬 lemon (níngméng)
香蕉 banana (xiāngjiāo)
西瓜 watermelon (xīguā)
饮料 beverage (yǐnliào)
汽水 soda (qìshuǐ)
啤酒 beer (píjiǔ)
果酱 jam, jelly, fruit preserve (guǒjiàng)
花生酱 peanut butter (huāshēngjiàng)
奶油 butter (nǎiyóu)
奶酪 cheese (nǎilào)
蛋糕 cake (dàngāo)
冰淇淋 ice cream (bīngqílín)
胡椒 pepper (hújiāo)
辣椒 hot pepper (làjiāo)
醋 vinegar (cù)
盐 salt (yán)
Lesson 7: Music 音乐欣赏
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感受 feeling; feel (gǎnshòu)
造诣 accomplishment (zàoyì
滩 puddle (tān)
失去 lose (shīqù)
活力 vitality, vigor (huólì)
毫无 without; have no…at all (háowú)
仍然 still, yet (réngrán)
差 fall short (chà)
照常 as usual (zhàocháng)
配角 supporting role (pèijué)
即使 even if, even though (jíshǐ)
消失 disappear, vanish (xiāoshī)
寄托 entrust to the care of (jìtuō)
心态 mentality (xīntài)
消除 eliminate, dispel (xiāochú)
疲倦 tired, exhausted (píjuàn)
解除 remove, relieve from (jiěchú)
内心 heart, inner world (nèixīn)
烦恼 worry; upset (fánnǎo)
心境 state of mind (xīnjìng)
平和 calm, moderate (pínghé)
烦躁不安 annoyed (fánzàobùān)
摇滚乐 rock-n-roll (yáogǔnyuè)
古典 classic; classical (gǔdiǎn)
曲子 tune, song (qǔzi)
弦乐四重奏 string quartet (xiányuè sìchóngzòu)
圆舞曲 waltz (yuánwǔqǔ)
推荐 recommend (tuījiàn)
大提琴 violoncello, cello (dàtíqín)
协奏曲 concerto (xiézòuqǔ)
来自 originate from (láizì)
天堂 paradise, heaven (tiāntáng)
交响曲 symphony (jiāoxiǎngqǔ)
表达 express (biǎodá)
喜怒哀乐 all feelings (joy-anger-grief-happieness) (xǐnù’āilè)
入门 introduction, rudiment (rùmén)
作品 works (of art and literature) (zuòpǐn)
小夜曲 nocturn (music) (xiǎoyèqǔ)
爵士乐 jazz (juéshìyuè)
民乐 folk music (mínyuè)
着迷 be captivated, be mesmerized (zháomí)
风格 style (fēnggé)
譬如说 for example (pìrúshuō)
浪漫 romantic (làngmàn)
宁静 peaceful, tranquil (níngjìng)
感觉 feel; perception (gǎnjué)
乡土 native soil (xiāngtǔ)
气息 scent (qìxī)
不禁 cannot help (doing) (bùjīn)
向往 yearn for; desire (xiàngwǎng)
时代 era, epoch (shídài)
产物 product, outcome (chǎnwù)
生动 vivid, lively (shēngdòng)
反映 reflect; reflection (fǎnyìng)
心情 mood, state of mind (xīnqíng)
称得上 worthy of the name, can be called (chēngdeshàng)
播放 broadcast, transmit (bōfàng)
宗教 religion (zōngjiào)
因素 factor, element (yīnsù)
乐器 musical instrument (yuèqì)
音乐通 music expert (yīnyuètōng)
京剧 Beijing opera (jīng jù)
地方戏曲 local opera (dìfāngxìqǔ)
二胡 two-string instrument (èr hú)
扬琴 hammer dulcimer (yáng qín)
古筝 Chinese zither (gǔ zhēng)
音乐会 music concert (yīnyuèhuì)
奏鸣曲 sonata (zòumíngqǔ)
室内乐 chamber music (shìnèiyuè)
国乐 Chinese classical music (guóyuè)
歌剧 opera (gējù)
民谣 folk music/song (mínyáo)
国歌 national anthem (guó gē)
音响 stereo (yīnxiǎng)
杂音 static noise (záyīn)
乐团 orchestra (yuètuán)
合唱团 chorus (héchàngtuán)
小提琴 violin (xiǎotíqín)
长笛 flute (chángdí)
吉他 guitar (jíta)
鼓 drum (gǔ)
喇叭 trumpet (lǎbā)
乐谱 sheet music (yuèpǔ)
指挥 conduct; conductor (zhǐhuī)
大调 major (musical key) (dàdiào)
小调 minor (musical key) (xiǎodiào)
拉 play (violin, cello) (lā)
弹 play (guitar, piano) (tán)
吹 play (trumpet, flute) (chuī)
打 play (drums) (dǎ)
演奏 perform; performance (yǎnzòu)
伴奏 accompany (bànzòu)
合唱 sing in unison (héchàng)
独唱 (sing) solo (dúchàng)
独奏 solo (dúzòu)
节奏 rhythm (jiézòu)
唱片 record (chàngpiàn)
镭射唱片 laser disc (léishèchàngpiǎn)
耳机 earphones (ěrjī)
鼓掌 applaud; applause (gǔzhǎng)
喝彩 cheer (hècǎi)
甜美 sweet (tiánměi)
刺激 stimulate; stimulating (cìjī)
陶醉 be intoxicated (táozuì)
Lesson 8: Crime 罪
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警官 police officer (jǐngguān)
界 field (jiè)
抓 grab, seize, arrest (zhuā)
毒贩 drug dealer (dúfàn)
万万 typically used with a negative verb to mean “never” (wànwàn)
退休 retirement; retire (tuìxiū)
前夕 the day before, the eve of (qiánxī)
竟 to one’s surprise (jìng)
被告 defendant (bèigào)
面对 face, confront (miànduì)
陪审团 jury (péishěntuán)
法官 judge (fǎguān)
效率 efficiency (xiàolǜ)
故意 intentionally (gùyì)
警犬 police dog (jǐngquǎn)
染 contract (ailment), infect (rǎn)
毒瘾 addiction to drug (dúyǐn)
先后 successively (xiānhòu)
犯罪 commit crime (fànzuì)
缉毒 catch drug dealers (jīdú)
灵敏 sensitive, keen (língmǐn)
嗅觉 sense of smell (xiùjué)
识别 identify, recognize (shíbié)
毒品 illegal drug (dúpǐn)
数目 number, amount (shùmù)
景气 prosperous (jǐngqì)
警察局 police bureau (jǐngchájú)
过程 process (guòchéng)
交代 confess; confession (jiāodài)
训练费 training expense (xùnliànfèi)
专家 expert, specialist (zhuānjiā)
省时 save time (shěngshí)
省钱 save money (shěngqián)
少量 small amount (shǎoliàng)
掺 mix (chān)
检查站 inspection station (jiǎncházhàn)
早班 early shift (zǎobān)
喂 feed (wèi)
发作 (illness of affliction) break out (fāzuò)
敏感 sensitive (mǐngǎn)
犯法 commit crime (fànfǎ)
先例 precedent (xiānlì)
虐待 maltreat; abuse (nüèdài)
人道 humane (réndào)
白老鼠 guinea pig (báilǎoshǔ)
实验室 laboratory (shíyànshì)
丧命 get killed (sàngmìng)
判 (legal) sentence, reach a verdict (pàn)
上诉 appeal (shàngsù)
到底 indeed, to the end (dàodǐ)
处境 situation, plight (chǔjìng)
忠实 faithful, loyal (zhōngshí)
不顾一切 regardless of consequences (bùgùyīqiè)
勒索 extort, obtain by threat (lèsuǒ)
卖淫 prostitute onself (màiyín)
合法化 legalize (héfǎhuà)
大麻 marijuana (dàmá)
香烟 cigarette (xiāngyān)
大屠杀 massacre (dátúshā)
从犯 accomplice (cóngfàn)
犯人 criminal (fànrén)
嫌犯 suspect (xiánfàn)
主谋 conspirator, main perpetrator (zhǔmóu)
抢劫 robbery (qiǎngjié)
失职 neglect one’s duty; negligence of one’s duty (shīzhí)
凶手 murderer (xiōngshǒu)
凶器 weapon (xiōngqì)
人质 hostage (rénzhì)
妨害公务 obstruct official functions (fánghài gōngwù)
妨害自由 violate personal liberty (fánghài zìyóu)
非法 illegal (fēifǎ)
非法入境 cross border illegally (fēifǎ rùjìng)
非法交易 illegal transaction (fēifǎ jiāoyì)
非法堕胎 illegal abortion (fēifǎ duòtāi)
拒捕 refuse arrest (jùbǔ)
受贿 receive a bribe (shòuhuì)
劫机 (air) hijack (jiéjī)
重婚罪 bigamy, polygamy (chónghūnzuì)
叛国 commit treason (pànguó)
逃税 tax evasion (táoshuì)
恐吓 intimidate; intimidation (kǒnghè)
贪污 embezzle; embezzlement (tānwū)
通奸 commit adultery (tōngjiān)
贩毒 drug trafficking (fàndú)
敲诈 blackmail (qiāozhà)
过失杀人 manslaughter (guòshī shārén)
暗杀 assassinate (ànshā)
违法 break a law (wéifǎ)
伪造文书 forge a document, manufacturing fake documents (wěizào wénshū)
诽谤 slander (fěibàng)
谋杀未遂 attempted murder (móushāwèisuí)
纵火 commit arson (zònghuǒ)
Lesson 9: Love and Romance 谈情说爱
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企业家 entrepreneur (qǐyèjiā)
吃败仗 get defeated (chībàizhàng)
败仗 defeated battle (bàizhàng)
竟然 to one’s surprise (jìngrán)
胜仗 victorious battle (Shèngzhàng)
战场 battle field (zhànchǎng)
战绩 (battle) achievement (zhànjì)
相差 differ by… (xiāngchà)
恋爱 be in love; courtship (liàn’ài)
单恋 one-sided love (dānliàn)
苦恼 miserable (kǔnǎo)
痛苦 painful; pain (tòngkǔ)
无法 without alternatives (wúfǎ)
自拔 free oneself (zìbá)
周围 surroundings (zhōuwéi)
灾难 disaster, catastrophe (zāinàn)
心理医生 psychiatrist (xīnlǐ yīshēng)
算命 tell fortune (suànmìng)
似乎 it seems, seemingly (sìhū)
效果 effect (xiàoguǒ)
请教 seek advice (qǐngjiào)
法师 Buddhist/Taoist monk (fǎshī)
脱离 free oneself from, leave behind (tuōlí)
苦海 bitter sea, misery (kǔhǎi)
为情所困 be bothered by love (affair) (wèiqíngsuǒkùn)
眼力 eyesight, vision (yǎnlì)
差(一)点 almost (chà(yī)diǎn)
难倒 defeat, baffle (nándǎo)
满 full (mǎn)
疑惑 perplexed (yíhuò)
怀疑 suspect (huáiyí)
定义 definition (dìngyì)
体会 understanding through first-hand experience (tǐhuì)
玄 mysterious (xuán)
摸 touch, feel (mō)
究竟 after all (jiūjìng)
几乎 almost (jīhū)
相反 opposite; on the contrary (xiāngfǎn)
含义 significance, implication (hányì)
传宗接代 bear offspring, carry on the family line (chuánzōngjiēdài)
五味俱全 embody all five flavors (wǔwèijùquán)
咸 salty (xián)
包括 include (bāokuò)
悲观 pessimistic (bēiguān)
岂不是 isn’t that … (用于反问句) (qǐbùshì)
生育年龄 child-bearing age (shēngyù niánlíng)
摆脱 break away from (bǎituō)
困扰 troubling problem; be troubled (kùnrǎo)
现实 reality; practical (xiànshí)
随着 along with (suízhe)
仿佛 seem (fǎngfú)
炽热 scorching (chìrè)
火焰 blaze, flame (huǒyàn)
极端 extreme (jíduān)
藏 hide, conceal (cáng)
瀑布 waterfall (pùbù)
偶尔 occasionally (ǒu’ěr)
动人 touching (dòngrén)
清澈 crystal clear (qīngchè)
波 wave (bō)
细水长流 a small stream flowing steady (xìshuǐ chángliú)
珍惜 cherish, value (zhēnxī)
无条件 unconditionally (wútiáojiàn)
投降 surrender (tóuxiáng)
缺一不可 even one less would not do (quēyībùkě)
长久 lasting (chángjiǔ)
无私 selfless (wúsī)
名利 fame and profit (mínglì)
财富 wealth (cáifù)
放弃 relinquish, abandon (fàngqì)
利害 gains and losses (lìhài)
接近 be close to (jiējìn)
境界 realm, boundary (jìngjiè)
指点 give direction/advice (zhǐdiǎn)
幻想 illusion, fantasy (huànxiǎng)
师父 master (shīfu)
冒昧 blunt (màomèi)
出家 become a monk/nun (chūjiā)
抵抗 dǐkàng (resist)
世间 the world, the earth (shìjiān)
诱惑 entice, temptation (yòuhuò)
曾 once, formerly (céng)
立 set up (rule, table, sign, etc.) (lì)
此路不通 no exit, dead end (cǐlù bùtōng)
牌子 sign, plate (páizi)
嘲笑 ridicule, laugh at (cháoxiào)
成佛 become Buddha (chéngfó)
凡人 ordinary person, mortal (fánrén)
交朋友 make friends (jiāo péngyou)
抛弃 desert, abandon (pāoqì)
忘记 forget (wàngjì)
知心 heart to heart (zhīxīn)
忠诚 devoted (zhōngchéng)
牢固 firm, unyielding (láogù)
终生 life long (zhōngshēng)
坦率 frank (tǎnshuài)
可靠 dependable, reliable (kěkào)
亲密 intimate (qīnmì)
纯洁 pure (chúnjié)
友谊 friendship (yǒuyí)
建立 establish (jiànlì)
保持 maintain (bǎochí)
增进 enhance (zēngjìn)
珍视 cherish, treasure (zhēnshì)
一见钟情 fall in love at the first sight (yījiàn zhōngqíng)
向。。。求婚 propose marriage to (xiàng… qiúhūn)
跟。。。订婚 become engaged to (gēn… dìnghūn)
跟。。。结婚 marry (gēn… jiéhūn)
跟。。。离婚 divorce (gēn… líhūn)
取消婚约 call off a wedding (qǔxiāo hūnyuē)
婚礼 wedding (hūnlǐ)
Lesson 10: The Poverty Problem 贫穷问题
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自个儿 oneself, by oneself (zìgěr)
沦落 fall low, sink into (lúnluò)
无家可归 homeless (wújiākěguī)
地铁站 subway station (dìtiězhàn)
埋怨 blame (mányuàn)
悲伤 sad; sorrow (bēishāng)
想开点 don’t take things too hard (xiǎngkāidiǎn)
尽量 to do one’s best (jǐnliàng)
甘心 be content (gānxīn)
上进 hard-working (shànɡjìn)
贷款 loan; to provide a loan (dàikuǎn)
研究所 research institute, graduate school (yánjiūsuǒ)
漫长 long and extensive (màncháng)
求学 pursue one’s studies (qiúxué)
清教徒 Puritan (qīngjiàotú)
熬出头 come through a hard time (áochūtóu)
失败 be defeated; defeat (shībài)
倾家荡产 lose everything (qīngjiādàngchǎn)
此后 afterwards, thereafter (cǐhòu)
酗酒 drink excessively (xùjiǔ)
毛病 problem, weakness (máobìng)
简直 simply (jiǎnzhí)
魔鬼 demon, monster, devil (móguǐ)
基础 basis (jīchǔ)
婚姻 matrimony, marriage (hūnyīn)
打定主意 be determined (dǎdìngzhúyì)
于是 thus, so (yúshì)
媳妇 daughter-in-law, wife (old-fashioned usage) (xífù)
尽……责任 to fulfill the responsibility of (jìn zérèn)
离家出走 run away from home (líjiāchūzǒu)
偷渡 cross a border illegally (tōudù)
旧金山 San Francisco (Jiùjīnshān)
一技之长 a skill (yījìzhīcháng)
合法 legal, lawful (héfǎ)
身份 identity, status (shēnfèn)
零工 odd job (línggōng)
绿卡 green card (permanent residence in the U.S.) (lǜkǎ)
夜以继日 day and night (yèyǐjìrì)
终于 at last, in the end (zhōngyú)
大厨 (master) chef
head chef (dàchú)
娶 marry (a woman) (qǔ)
从此 from now/then on (cóngcǐ)
高枕无忧 totally worry free (gāozhěnwúyōu)
烧 burn, cook (shāo)
老婆 wife (lit. old woman) (lǎopo)
老天 God, heaven (lǎotiān)
惩罚 punish (chéngfá)
报应 retribution (bàoyìng)
前妻 ex-wife (qiánqī)
衣锦还乡 glorious homecoming after establishing oneself (yījǐnhuánxiāng)
应得 deserve (yīngdé)
趁早 before it is too late, while it’s still early (chènzǎo)
戒 give up (an addiction) (jiè)
留 stay (liú)
市政府 city government (shìzhèngfǔ)
派人 send, dispatch (people) (to do something) (pàirén)
赶 drive away, expel (gǎn)
免得 so as to avoid (miǎndé)
冻 freeze (dòng)
街头 street corner, street (jiētóu)
重新 once again, anew (chóngxīn)
谈何容易 easier said than done (tánhéróngyì)
何尝 how can it be that (hécháng)
阴影 shadow (yīnyǐng)
压 crush, press down (yā)
救命 save life, rescue; Help! (jiùmìng)
透气 let air in (tòuqì)
犯错 make a mistake (fàncuò)
完美 perfect, flawless (wánmeǐ)
害 harm, damage (hài)
振作 pull (oneself) together (zhènzuò)
狼狈 awkward and helpless (lángbèi)
可惜 unfortunately (kěxī)
信用卡 credit card (xìnyòngkǎ)
流浪汉 homeless man, vagabond (liúlànghàn)
移民 immigrate; immigrant (yímín)
预测 predict; forecast (yùcè)
借酒浇愁愁更愁 to drown one’s woes in alcohol only increases them (jièjiǔjiāochóuchóugèngchóu)
一醉解千愁 one’s woes will be all gone when he/she gets drunk (yīzuíjiěqiānchóu)
乞丐 beggar (qǐgài)
乞讨 beg (qǐtǎo)
天灾 natural disaster (tiānzāi)
人祸 man-made disaster (rénhuò)
失业 lose one’s job (shīyè)
地震 earthquake (dìzhèn)
旱灾 drought (hànzāi)
涝灾 flood (làozāi)
灾区 disaster area (zāiqū)
灾民 victims of a disaster (zāimín)
灾难 disaster, calamity (zāinàn)
贫困 poverty (pínkùn)
贫困户 impoverished household (pínkùnhù)
幸灾乐祸 happy at other’s misfortune (xìngzāilèhuò)
穷光蛋 poor wretch (qióngguāngdàn)
孤独 lonely (gūdú)
孤儿 orphan (gū’ér)
保险 insure; insurance (bǎoxiǎn)
难民 refugee (nànmín)
难兄难弟 fellow sufferers; comrades in misery (nànxiōng nàndì)
忍受 bear (suffering) (rěnshòu)
减轻 alleviate (jiǎnqīng)
难以忍受 difficult to bear (nányǐ rěnshòu)
难以置信 difficult to believe (nányî zhìxìn)
难以想象 difficult to imagine (nányǐ xiǎngxiàng)
Lesson 11: Cultural Discussion 中国文化
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文凭 diploma (wénpíng)
制造 produce, manufacture (zhìzào)
文字 characters, script (wénzì)
垃圾 garbage, waste (lājī)
一辈子 all one’s lifetime, lifetime (yībèizi)
儒家 Confucian School (Rújiā)
思考 reflect on; thinking (sīkǎo)
渐渐 gradually (jiànjiàn)
先秦 Pre-Qin period (11th-2nd centuries BC) (Xiān Qín)
任务 task (rènwu)
秦朝 Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) (Qíncháo)
一再 repeatedly (yīzài)
诠释 annotate; annotation (quánshì)
孔子 Confucius (Kǒngzǐ)
开创 start, initiate, found (kāichuàng)
比喻 metaphor (bǐyù)
息息相关 be closely related (xīxīxiāngguān)
道家 Taoist school (dàojiā)
佛教 Buddhism (fójiào)
采用 adopt, employ, use (cǎiyòng)
所谓 so-called (suǒwèi)
根基 foundation (gēnjī)
枝叶 branches and leaves (zhīyè)
凋零 (of plants) wither (diāolíng)
偶尔 once in a while, occasionally (ǒu’ěr)
鸦片战争 the Opium War (yāpiànzhànzhēng)
唯我独尊 respect oneself only (wéiwǒdúzūn)
美梦 sweet dream (měimèng)
惊醒 wake up with a start (jīngxǐng)
不得不 have no choice but (bùdébù)
地球村 global village (dìqiúcūn)
开放 open-minded; open up (kāifàng)
心胸 breadth of mind (xīnxiōng)
世界观 world view (shìjièguān)
否定 negate, deny; negative (fǒudìng)
食古不化 stuck on what’s old and never change (shígǔbùhuà)
西化 westernization; westernize (xīhuà)
无人 nobody (wúrén)
潮流 tide, current, trend (cháoliú)
除非 only if, unless (chúfēi)
西学 western school (xīxué)
大可不必 be definitely unnecessary (dàkěbùbì)
可取 desirable, advisable (kěqǔ)
风气 trend, atmosphere (fēngqì)
青少年 youth (qīngshàonián)
教科书 textbook (jiàokēshū)
学者 scholar, literati (xuézhě)
洋文 foreign language (yángwén)
证明 prove, verify; proof
被迫 be forced, be compelled (bèipò)
志 aspiration, ambition (zhì)
勉强 unwilling; unwillingly (miǎnqiǎng)
求 seek for (qiú)
善 kind, amiable (shàn)
原则 principle (yuánzé)
良知 conscious (liángzhī)
知识分子 intellectual (zhīshifénzǐ)
辜负 let down, fail to live up to (gūfù)
麦当劳 McDonald’s (màidāngláo)
代沟 generation gap (dàigōu)
阻止 prevent, stop (zǔzhǐ)
进入 enter (jìnrù)
优越感 privilege (yōuyuègǎn)
冲击 impact; affect (chōngjī)
守旧 old-fashioned (shǒujiù)
开放 open, open-minded (kāifàng)
文明 civilized; civilization (wénmíng)
人生观 outlook on life (rénshēngguān)
价值观 value system (jiàzhíguān)
差异 difference (chāyì)
孝顺 filial; filial piety (xiàoshùn)
同化 assimilate (tónghuà)
继承 inherit (jìchéng)
遗产 heritage, inheritance (yíchǎn)
保存 maintain, retain (bǎocún)
淘汰 eliminate (táotài)
个人主义 individualism (gèrénzhǔyì)
全盘西化 totally westernized (quánpán xīhuà)
种族歧视 racial discrimination (zhǒngzúqíshì)
敬老尊贤 respect seniors and virtuous people (jìnglǎozūnxián)
尊师重道 respect one’s teachers and their teachings (zūnshīzhòngdà)
以身作则 set oneself up as an example (yǐshēnzuòzé)
一毛不拔 extremely stingy (yīmáobùbá)
一帆风顺 smooth sailing all the way (yìfānfēngshùn)
不劳而获 reap without sowing (bùláo’érhuò)
Lesson 12: Happiness 快乐在哪里?
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脱离 separate/liberate oneself from
尿布 diaper
烧饭 cook meal
假期 vacation
家务事 housework
守 guard
空荡荡 empty; deserted
可言 can be said (often used in the pattern 无……可言)
标准 standard, criterion
首先 first
其次 next, secondly
初恋 first love
眷属 companion, spouse
逼 compel, force
陪 accompany
千金难买 extremely precious
意味着 signify, take it to mean
独立 independent; independence
骄傲 be proud of; proud
牺牲 sacrifice
玩乐 enjoy life
准时 punctual; proud
自由自在 freely, without restraint
夸耀 brag about
限于 be confined to
单调 monotonous, tedious
偷懒 lazy, loaf on the job
提到 mention, refer to
名望 reputation
属于 belong to, be owned by
感官 sense
黄金 gold
拥有 possess, have, own
抽象 abstract
一头雾水 confused (foggy headed)
津津有味 with keen pleasure (eating), with gusto
盘底朝天 plate [is] empty
难以 hard to, difficult to
知音 understanding friend, soulmate
清早 early morning
趴 to lie prone
足以 enough to, sufficiently for
辛劳 labor, hard work
典礼 ceremony
方帽子 (academic degree) hat
微笑 smile
泪 tear
古话 ancient saying
知足常乐 (those who) know how to be satisfied will always be happy
约会 appointment; date
圣诞节 Christmas (holiday)
举例 give an example
欢喜 delighted
激动 excited
感激 feel grateful
爱好 be fond of
满意 be satisfied
得到满足 obtain satisfaction
感到满意 feel satisfaction
使……满意 make……satisfied
追求享受 pursue enjoyment
取乐 obtain happiness
Lesson 13: Political Election 选举
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一大早 very early in the morning; crack of dawn (yīdàzǎo)
可 indeed (used to emphasize the speaker’s tone) (kě)
国民 citizen (guómín)
义务 obligation (yìwù)
总统 president (of a country) (zǒngtǒng)
候选人 candidate (hòuxuǎnrén)
竞选 run for; campaign (for election) (jìngxuǎn)
执政党 ruling party (zhízhèng-dǎng)
升旗 raise a flag (shēng qí)
在野党 party not in office; opposition party (zàiyě-dǎng)
反 anti- (corruption etc) (fǎn)
辩论 debate (biànlùn)
游行 march; demonstration (yóuxíng)
政见 political view (zhèngjiàn)
媒体 (news) media (méitǐ)
刊登 pulish (in a newspaper) (kāndēng)
唯一 the only; sole (wéiyǐ)
群众 the masses (qúnzhòng)
反应 react, respond; response (fǎnyìng)
丧失 lose (sàngshī)
理性 reason, rationality (lǐxìng)
狂热 fanatical, feverish (kuángrè)
挨家挨户 household by household (āijiā āihù)
拉票 solicit vote (lāpiào)
胜选 win an election (shèngxuǎn)
暴力 violence (bàolì)
贿赂 bribe (huìlù)
投票 cast a vote (tóupiào)
现象 phenomenon (xiànxiàng)
激 stimulate, intensify (jī)
权利 right, privilege (quánlì)
梦想 dream (mèngxiǎng)
争吵 quarrel; dispute (zhēngchǎo)
符合 conform to (a standard), in line with (fúhé)
平等 equal; equality (píngděng)
智慧 wisdom, intelligence (zhìhuì)
判断 assess; judge; judgement (pànduàn)
政客 politician (zhèngkè)
比比皆是 seen everywhere (bǐbǐjiēshì)
速成 complete quickly (sùchéng)
佩服 admire, think highly of (pèifú)
率 rate (often used as a suffix) (lǜ)
记录 record (jìlù)
公布 publicize (gōngbù)
程度 extent, degree (chéngdù)
动乱 turmoil (dòngluàn)
征兆 sign, omen (zhěngzhào)
议题 topic, issue (yìtí)
共识 consensus (gòngshí)
动机 motive, motivation (dòngjī)
强 strong, powerful (qiáng)
反之 on the contrary (fǎnzhī)
目标 objective, target, goal (mùbiāo)
拥护 support (a leader or a policy) (yōnghù)
参与 participate in (cānyù)
超过 surpass, exceed (chāoguò)
但愿 hopefully (dànyuàn)
杞人忧天 be overly concerned or fearful groundlessly (qǐrényōutiān)
恢复 regain, restore (huīfù)
安稳 peaceful and stable (ānwěn)
缺点 shortcoming, flaw (quēdiǎn)
证权 political power (zhèngquán)
中产阶级 middle class (zhōngchǎnjiējí)
资本主义 capitalism (主义 is often used as a suffix) (zīběnzhǔyì)
高明 (of ideas, skills) brilliant (gāomíng)
骗术 technique in deception (piànshù)
打败 defeat, beat (dǎbài)
对手 opponent (duìshǒu)
国务院 the State Council (China), State Department (US) (guówùyuàn)
委员会 committee (wěiyuánhuì)
共产党 Communist Party (gòngchǎndǎng)
民主党 Democratic Party (mínzhǔdǎng)
共和党 Republican Party (gònghédǎng)
主席 chairman (zhǔxí)
总理 premier (China) (zǒnglǐ)
首相 prime minister (Japan) (shǒuxiàng)
部长 minister (of a governmental department) (bùzhǎng)
选举人 elector (xuǎnjǔrén)
竞选伙伴 running-mate (jìngxuǎn huǒbàn)
左派 left wing (zuǒpài)
右派 right wing (yòupài)
国务卿 secretary of state (U.S.) (guówùqīng)
众议院 (U.S. Congress) house (zhòngyìyuàn)
众议员 house representative (zhòngyìyuán)
参议院 (U.S. Congress) senate (cānyìyuàn)
参议员 senator (cānyìyuán)
赞成 endorse, be in favor of (zànchéng)
反对 oppose (fǎnduì)
任命 appoint…as… (rènmìng)
入党 join a party (rùdǎng)
Lesson 14:Movies 漫谈电话
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灯笼 lantern (dēnglóng)
庆幸 feel lucky, appreciate one’s good fortune (qìngxìng)
世纪 century (shìjì)
压迫 oppress; oppression (yāpò)
整体 whole, entirely (zhěngtǐ)
严谨 careful and precise (yánjǐn)
导演 director (dǎoyǎn)
手法 skill, technique (shǒufǎ)
成熟 mature (chéngshú)
营造 construct, build (yíngzào)
气氛 atmosphere, ambience (qìfēn)
剧情 plot of a play (jùqíng)
配合 coordinate; cooperative (pèihé)
主题 theme (zhǔtí)
突出 prominent, obvious (tūchū)
压抑 constrained, oppressed (yāyì)
喜悦 happy, joyous (xǐyuè)
生命力 vitality (shēngmìnglì)
取而代之 be replaced by (qǔ’érdàizhī)
黄昏 dusk, nightfall (huánghūn)
除此之外 apart from this (chúcǐ zhīwài)
音效 sound effect (yīnxiào)
相当 fairly, considerably (xiāngdāng)
锣鼓 gong and drum (luógǔ)
配 accompany, accord with (pèi)
出场 appear on the scene, come on stage (chūchǎng)
自然而然 naturally (zìrán’érrán)
视为 regard as, consider as (shìwéi)
一体 one unit (yītǐ)
视觉 visual sense (shìjué)
听觉 sense of hearing (tīngjué)
结合 combine, unite (jiéhé)
观众 spectator, audience (guānzhòng)
带入 bring into (dàirù)
高潮 climax (gāocháo)
巧妙 ingenious, skillful (qiǎomiào)
饰演 play the role of (shìyǎn)
姨 concubine; aunt (on mother’s side) (yí)
自始至终 from beginning to end (zìshǐzhìzhōng)
暗示 hint (ànshì)
强烈 strong, powerful (qiángliè)
象征 symbolize, signify (xiàngzhēng)
封建社会 feudal society (fēngjiàn shèhuì)
王室 royal family (wángshì)
争宠 compete for favor
大臣 official (dàchén)
影射 allude to, imply (yǐngshè)
君主 monarch (jūnzhǔ)
捉摸 figure out, ascertain (zhuōmō)
明争暗斗 fight overtly and covertly (míngzhēng’àndòu)
争风吃醋 fight with bitterness and jealousy (zhengfēngchīcù)
巩固 consolidate (gǒnggù)
平民百姓 ordinary people (píngmín bǎixìng)
权威 authority, power (quánwēi)
无所不在 exist everywhere, ubiquitous (wúsuǒbùzái)
命运 destiny, fate (mìngyùn)
用意 intention (yòngyì)
幕 act (mù)
带刺 carrying barbs (dàicì)
脏字 dirty words (zāngzì)
何 (formal and literary) what (hé)
尖酸刻薄 sharp and mean (jiānsuānkèbó)
追根究底 probe or investigate exhaustively (zhuīgēnjiūdǐ)
罪魁祸首 cause of all evil, main perpetrator
不满 resentful, discontented (bùmǎn)
男尊女卑 favor man over woman
(nánzūn nǚbēi)
情节 plot, scenario (qíngjíe)
和气 kind, amiable (héqi)
卧虎藏龙 crouching tiger and hidden dragon (wòhǔcánglóng)
悲剧 tragedy (bēijù)
喜剧 comedy (xǐjù)
歧视 discriminate; discrimination (qíshì)
禁 ban, forbid (jìn)
侦探片 detective film (zhēntànpiàn)
恐怖片 horror movie (kǒngbùpiàn)
科幻片 science fiction film (kēhuànpiàn)
文艺片 literary/art film (wényìpiàn)
色情片 X-rated film (sèqíngpiàn)
配角 supporting role (pèijué)
明星 star, celebrity (míngxīng)
影迷 movie fan (yǐngmí)
编剧 scriptwriter (biānjù)
改编 adapt, revise (for script) (gǎibiān)
影评 film critique (yǐngpíng)
配音 dub (pèiyīn)
旁白 narration (pángbái)
布景 setting, backdrop (bùjǐng)
灯光 lighting (dēngguāng)
剪接 edit (jiǎnjiē)
字幕 subtitle (zìmù)
感人 moving (gǎnrén)
曲折 complicated (re: plot) (qūzhé)
离奇 bizarre (líqí)