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Title IV-E Scholars & Community Partners Conference: Parental Substance Misuse in Child Welfare
October 4, 2024
Parental substance misuse has been described as a critical “missing link” that stands in the way of safety, permanency, and well-being for many families. Substance misuse is prevalent among child welfare-involved families, yet historically, child welfare systems have been ill-equipped to respond to the complex behavioral health needs facing these families. Growing state and national attention to prevention and family preservation has led to promising policy and practice innovations. Join us for a discussion about efforts underway to address parental substance misuse in Southeastern Wisconsin, highlighting Family Drug Treatment Courts, drug affected infants, and the amazing work of our Title IV-E Scholars and community partners.
In-Person at UWM Downtown Conference Center (above Grand Avenue Mall) or virtually via Zoom (link sent day prior to conference).
- The conference is free of charge for all participants, but registration is required.
- Parking is available in The Avenue structure and will be validated. More details are available here.
- Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) are available for participation in the conference.
Watch the recording here
12:30-12:45pm – Welcome
12:45-2:00pm – Keynote Address – Robyn Ellis and Judge Mary E. Triggiano
2:00-2:20pm – Break
2:20-4:30pm – Community Panel Presentation: Experiences in supporting parents with substance misuse in child welfare
Robyn Ellis
Robyn Ellis is first and foremost a person in recovery, graduating from Milwaukee’s Family Drug Treatment Court and Meta House in 2014. After getting some life experience as a sober mom, Robyn decided to pursue her passion in giving back and helping others. In 2017, she became a certified Peer Support Specialist at Meta House, where she was able to use her own experience to professionally assist women who were beginning their recovery journey. She continued her career path at Meta House and moved into the position of Recovery Community Coordinator, overseeing all transitions in and out of the housing program. Robyn also facilitated a support group for participants of Family Drug Treatment court from 2018-2020. Since graduating from Family Drug Treatment Court in 2014, Robyn has had the opportunity to travel and share her personal experience with many professionals around the state alongside Judge Mary Triggiano and Rebecca Foley. Robyn also continued her education throughout this time and graduated from UW-Milwaukee in August 2024 with her master’s degree in Social Work. She has since moved into a therapist role at Meta House’s residential program.
Judge Mary E. Triggiano
Director, Andrew Center for Restorative Justice
Marquette University Law School
Former Chief Judge, Milwaukee County
Judge Mary Triggiano is the current director of the Andrew Center for Restorative Justice at Marquette University Law School. She was the Chief Judge of Milwaukee County Circuit Court until joining the law school in June of 2023.
Mary Triggiano is a graduate of UW-Madison Law School and was a Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge from August 1, 2004 – June 2023. She served as judge in Children’s Court for nine years of those years. At Children’s Court, Judge Triggiano led the Family Drug Treatment Court and created the first of its kind in Wisconsin – Healthy Infant Court. She was also assigned to the Domestic Violence Court and Civil Division at various times. Judge Triggiano was Deputy Chief Judge for Chief Judge Maxine White for over four years. In February 2020, the State Supreme Court appointed her the Chief Judge, District 1 Milwaukee County. She held that position until June 2023.
Jacob Meyer
Jacob Meyer is a field coach on the training team at Wellpoint Care Network. He was a Child Welfare case manager on the Family Drug Treatment Court team in Milwaukee Children’s Court from 2016-2022. He has been on work groups and helps write policies for Family Drug Treatment court and SUD related topics for Wellpoint.