JobsWork MKE is partnering with personnel from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)/ Institute for Child and Family Well-Being (Institute) to enhance the trauma-informed nature of their employment services. The project goal is to effectively address unresolved trauma among JobsWork MKE program participants or members. In turn, the project...
Trauma & Resilience
Strong and Stable Families
Strong and Stable Families is a mixed-methods study that aims to (1) identify protective factors that reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect in Wisconsin households; (2) examine the impact of Wisconsin’s Family Resource Centers.
Funded by a HRSA Innovation Grant, Assessing for Trauma in Home Visiting aims to improve trauma-responsive practices among three Wisconsin home visiting programs. Home visiting staff receives a full-day training in trauma screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment or T-SBIRT, which was... Children entering the child welfare system are more vulnerable due to the exposure to one, often multiple, adverse events prior to their placement in foster care. These adverse events can lead to decreased activity in areas of the brain affecting learning, memory, stress regulation and can result in life-long problems in learning, behavior, and physical... Adapted from Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for substance misuse, Trauma SBIRT (T-SBIRT) is a brief protocol designed for healthcare and social service settings. Its purpose is to help service recipients generate insight into their trauma exposure and enhance their motivation to seek mental health or related services.... October 2017 – September 2022 The Trauma and Recovery Project (TARP) was a 5-year SAMHSA-funded initiative that aimed to increase the availability and accessibility of trauma-responsive treatments for children and families in southeastern Wisconsin by: (a) fortifying and coordinating systems of care, (b) increasing the pool of clinicians... April 2017-April 2020 Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, this 3-year project aimed to develop trauma-informed screening, service, and referral processes to address the needs of polyvictimized clients. Through this initiative, a polyvictimization screening tool was developed and administered with clients that receive services from the... 2016 – 2020 Project Safe Neighborhood: Welcome Home (PSN) and Smart Reentry are innovative initiatives aimed at preventing recidivism among men returning to Milwaukee neighborhoods from state correctional facilities. The Wisconsin Department of Justice, in collaboration with other project partners, launched both projects in 2016. While... Healthy Worker, Healthy Wisconsin is a five-year, Milwaukee-area initiative funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Project and facilitated by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute in partnership with the ICFW. This local job enhancement project aims to strengthen employment services by increasing client access to health and mental health care. The... July 2015 – December 2016 This project aims to translate research on adverse childhood experiences into prevention and intervention applications within the context of home visiting services in order to improve population health outcomes. Home visiting program data from the Central Racine County Health Department and other agencies... Youth with good mental health develop skills and capacities that become the basis for strong communities. Toxic levels of stress and trauma negatively impact the architecture of a youth’s developing brain, which has lasting effects into adulthood. Youth in foster care face these challenges and many others, which contribute with significantly... Assessing for Trauma in Home Visiting
Clinical Services Integration (CSI)
Trauma – SBIRT
Trauma and Recovery Project (TARP)
Family Peace Center Model for Addressing Polyvictimization
Project Safe Neighborhood & Smart Reentry
Healthy Workers, Healthy Wisconsin
Understanding the Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Improve Prevention Services
Brighter Futures: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy