Student Employment

Shared Services provides support to all UWM schools, colleges, and divisions throughout the hiring process of student hourly (SH) employees.

Shared Services maintains an online database to help our client groups track the status of students as they move through the hiring process. We also provide support for any job change or termination of student hourly appointments.

Please utilize the forms below when requesting a new hire, re-hire, job change, or termination of a student employee.

For information on how to recruit student employees and post jobs on Handshake, please see the Center for Student Experience & Talent’s webpage below:

Hire A Student Employee

If you are a student looking for information on finding on-campus employment, please visit:

On-Campus Employment (SET)

Student Employment News

Revised Criminal Background Check Policy

(SAAP 7-4)

Published June 14, 2024, Chancellor Mone approved a revision of the UWM Criminal Background Check (CBC) Policy (SAAP 7-4), including:

  • Student Hourly Employees need not pass a CBC for employment, except for those holding a Position of Trust (POT). Those with a POT, including positions with fiduciary duty, unsupervised access to property, or unsupervised access to vulnerable populations, will still be required to pass a CBC.
  • Interns and Visiting Scholars will not require a CBC unless responsibilities qualify as a position of trust.
  • An additional position of trust designation requiring a CBC every two years for individuals who reside on university property and have access to vulnerable populations.

Updated Student New Hire Request Form and List

  • In response to the revised CBC policy, as well as processing updates, the Student Hire Request Form has been updated. Please review carefully as options have changed.
  • Additionally, a new SH New Hire List has been created to accommodate the updates. If you are looking for a request submitted prior to the update, they are now located in the SH New Hire Request Archive.

Individual Requests

Student Hire Requests

This form should be utilized to hire a new student hourly appointment or re-hire a student hourly appointment. The form may also be used for dual-appointment requests.

Student Job Change Requests

This form should be utilized for any currently active student hourly appointments that need a pay rate change, working title change, or building/location change.

Note: Pay changes can only be effective on or after the date of submission to HR and must be effective the first day of a pay period.

Student Job Termination Requests

This form should be utilized for any currently active student hourly appointment that needs to be terminated for the following reasons: discharge, cancellation, resignation, or graduation.

Large Volume Requests

Student Hire Requests

Student Job Change Requests

Note: pay changes can only be effective on or after the date of submission to HR and must be effective the first day of a pay period.

Student Job Termination Requests


For requests that include 11 or more individuals, please download and complete the appropriate mass spreadsheet template above and email it to

If you are anticipating a request of more than 100 transactions, please email for further instructions, no less than 3 weeks prior to the effective date.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the hiring process take from when I submit the request?

  • If a student is engaged and determined to get hired quickly, the process can take as little as a week; however, it is recommended to plan for 2+ weeks.
  • Factors to consider that can add time to the process: time of year and the volume of requests to HR; new hires not following through with each step; new hires not having proper I-9 documentation readily available; school/personal considerations of the student.

2. How can I track the status of my student hourly hire?

3. Once I submit the request, when can my new student hire start?

  • New hires can start once they complete the new-hire paperwork (I-9, tax forms, direct deposit, etc.)
  • It is recommended that supervisors ask their new hire to contact them once they have completed the onboarding; however, an email will be sent to the student and notification email submitted on the hire request once the paperwork is complete.
  • Supervisors may also check the student’s status in the SharePoint at any time (see question #2).

4. Can I be included in emails to my new student hourly hire?

  • To be included in emails to your student during the hiring process, please enter your full email in the request form. Multiple emails may be submitted for inclusion.

5. Where can I find student employment policies such as the Student Employment Manual?

6. How do I submit changes that are only reports to, funding, or approver changes, but everything else will stay the same?

7. How do I submit a student transferring from one position to another?

  • A Student Hire Request should be submitted for the new position. If the student will not continue in the old position, a Student Job Termination Request should be submitted for the old position.

8. Where should student personnel files be kept?

9. What can I tell my new hires to help them with the hiring process?

  • Communication will come from to their UW-Milwaukee email.
  • Students may reply to emails with questions or confirmations.
  • The Criminal Background Check conducted by Hire-Right will require their involvement and will expire if not completed after 5 days.
  • Make sure your student knows what department they will be working for, who their supervisor or contact is once they are eligible to start, and what their start date will be.

10. What should I know about my student before I make a contingent job offer?

  • Their legal names (correct spelling is essential) as HR needs this information to properly process their hire.
  • Their UWM email, as that is how HR will communicate with them.

11. When can international students begin working?

  • International students may begin working after the on-boarding/new-hire paperwork is completed. This is the same as all other student employees; however, supervisors must document the hours worked and enter them into HRS manually until the international student employee receives their social security card, brings the SS Card to Engelmann Hall 125, and their information is updated in the HRS system.

12. How long after graduation can a student employee remain employed?

  • Resident student hourly employees may continue working up to the final day of the pay period they are graduating in. If a student can show evidence of enrolling the next term as a grad student, they may continue employment.
  • International student employees may only work until the last day of the term they are graduating in.

13. May I start a student employee before they complete the pre-employment requirements (CBC, Onboarding Paperwork)?

  • New student employees may begin working on or after the day they complete their New-Hire Paperwork. If their position is a Position of Trust, they must complete the Criminal Background Check (CBC) within forty-five (45) calendar days of their start date.
  • Students who are currently working in another UWM position OR are returning within one (1) year of their last position may begin working on or after the day the New Hire Request is submitted to HR.

14. How many hours can a student hourly employee work?

Fall UWinteriM Spring Summer
US Resident 25 25 25 40
International 20 25 20 40

*Hours per week include hours from ALL UWM jobs the student has

**During summer, continuing student employees may work up to 40 hours per week for no more than 89 days

15. Can a student hourly employee work more than 40 hours per week (overtime)?

  • They may work overtime only during the summer and only if the department’s budget allows.
  • Students holding multiple jobs must remain under 40 hours per week across all jobs. If there is an expectation or possibility of working beyond 40 hours per week, please work with your HR Business Partner to assess FLSA status and determine compliance requirements. All departments must be made aware of the possibility of overtime.

16. What is a Position of Trust (POT)?

  • A paid or volunteer position with one or more of the following responsibilities: fiduciary duty, unsupervised access to property, or unsupervised access to vulnerable populations.
  • For more information: UWM Criminal Background Check (CBC) Policy (SAAP 7-4)
  • If you have further questions, please work with your HR Business Partner and/or HR Coordinators to determine if a student position is a POT.

17. What is the difference between the time entry methods (Web Clock vs Timesheet)?

  • Web Clock: used by employees who are able to punch “in” and “out” each work day (Most commonly used).
  • Timesheet: used when students aren’t able to immediately enter their time in HRS. This entry allows students to login during the bi-weekly pay period and enter their “in” and “out” times for any given day during the pay period.

18. Can a non-UWM student work in a student hourly position at UWM?

  • Yes. The employing unit is responsible for verifying an individual’s eligibility and sending proof of that eligibility to HR.
  • The individual must be at least 16 years of age.
  • Consult pages 7-8 of the Student Employment Manual for further information and requirements.


Engelmann Hall, Room 125

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