Tuesday, November 15, 3:00pm
Wayne Wiegand, F. Williams Summers Professor of Library and Information Sciences & Professor of American Studies, Florida State University
“Open These Hallowed Doors: The Desegregation of Public Libraries in the American South”
Holton Hall, Room 341, 2442 E. Hartford Ave., UWM Campus
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 3 p.m., when the department will host a lecture by Wayne Wiegand, “the dean of American public library history.” His topic is “Open These Hallowed Doors: The Desegregation of Public Libraries in the American South.” Among his other accomplishments, Prof. Wiegand holds an MA from UWM’s Department of History. The lecture will take place in Holton 341.
For more information on Prof. Weigand visit his faculty profile page at https://hott.fsu.edu/faculty/wayneWiegand.html