mural of laborers


Discover the Past. Discover Yourself.

damaged war ship


Discover the Past. Discover Yourself.

child workers


Discover the Past. Discover Yourself.

Understanding the Past Helps Shape a Better Future

UWM Department of History’s faculty, staff, and students pursue research and teaching interests that span the globe.

We provide undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to engage in the process of historical discovery and analysis, giving them skills and knowledge that will be useful in every kind of work and in civic life. The department promotes scholarly activities and excellence in research involving faculty and students, and is committed to service that addresses the diverse needs of our students, profession, and the larger community.

cropped view of hands at laptopUWM History: Ranked a top nationwide online program &#1, #25Center for Online Ed
person using laptop with child nearby#8College Consensus

Get to know us!

Average24.3Class Size
Number of Countries28for Study Abroad
Students Who Are81%Wisconsin Residents

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