Sat. 4/27/19 – Sprucing up for Spring: Community Gardens Clean-up

In honor of Earth Day, join fellow alumni, students, and staff with their families and get ready for spring planting! Prepare community gardens for spring planting with Westlawn community members, followed by a lunch for all volunteers. All ages are welcome. Adults bringing children to participate must supervise them throughout the project. The project will include repairing and refilling garden boxes, clearing garden boxes of weeds for vegetables and fruits to be planted, and planting trees and perennials around the garden edge.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 Rain date Saturday, May 4 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Westlawn Community Gardens 62nd Street and Custer Avenue Milwaukee,  WI 53218 Map it!


Register online by April 15th. Registration will require a signed waiver collected on event day.  Note, all attendees will receive a UWM Partners for Health T-shirt and lunch.