Lab News

See other Lab News here.

    • Dr. Guo co-authored an article published in The Conversation along with Rajpreet Grewal and Melissa Scanlan: “Lead water pipes created a health disaster in Flint, but replacing them with cheap PVC plastic – as many cities are doing – carries hidden costs” (see link for the article).
    • Ms. Nadalee Thao joined Guo’s lab on June 17, 2024 as a summer intern of ACS Project-SEED program from American Chemical Society. Welcome Nadalee!
    • Ms. Bridget Wilson joined Guo’s lab as a Freshwater#UW 2024 summer intern. She will study the fate and transport of emerging contaminants. Welcome Bridget!
    • Ms. Samantha Krueger joined Guo’s lab in May 2024 as a graduate student. She will conduct research on the fate and transport of emerging contaminants in aquatic environments. Welcome Sam!
    • Mitch Schutte (Master student) published his research article entitled:”Photochemical reactivity of water-soluble dissolved organic matter from microplastics and microfibers” in Science of the Total Environment (Vol 911, article# 168616. Congratulations Mitch!
    • August 16, 2023: Freshwater Collaborative awards UWM nearly $1 million for six research and education projects.
    • July 27, 2023: Dr. Hui Lin’s manuscript titled: “Distinct variations in fluorescent DOM components along a trophic gradient in the lower Fox River-Green Bay as characterized using one-sample PARAFAC approach” has been accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment.
    • Ms. Margaret Sollberger and Mr. Darwin Weidert joined us on July 6, 2023 as undergraduate research fellows supported by UR@UWM.  They will work on spectroscopic characterization of plastic-derived dissolved organic matter.
    • Ms. Nadalee Thao joined us as a summer intern of ACS Project-SEED program from American Chemical Society on June 19, 2023. She is from Milwaukee King IB High School. Welcome Nadalee!
    • Ms. Jena Choi joined us as a undergraduate research fellow from UWM’s SURF program on June 5, 2023. She also works as a research assistant in our lab. Welcome Jena!
    • Mr. Sean Gibbs, a UWM’s Undergraduate Research Fellow in Guo’s Lab, received Outstanding Presentation Award at the 2023 UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium for his poster titled: “Photochemical Degradation of Disposable Face Masks and Polypropylene in Aquatic Environments”. Congratulations!
    • Dr. Dan Li’s manuscript titled:”Comparison of molecular weight distributions and size-dependent optical properties among model and reference natural dissolved organic matter” has been accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
    • 29 June 2022: Preserving permafrost ecosystems is crucial to humanity: faster decarbonization is essential: International experts call for decisive action to protect global permafrost. According to a study published this week in Frontiers in Environmental Science, rapid warming is causing cascading changes in permafrost regions that are threatening biodiversity, the stability of global climate, and the wellbeing of over 1.5 billion people. This study was initially conceived by both Dr. Benjamin Abbott, a professor at Brigham Young University, and Dr. Laodong Guo, a professor at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science – Biogeocheical Dynamics. A team of 33 international experts summarized more than 200 recent studies about how climate change and permafrost are interacting. The science and policy experts focused on four key permafrost regions: the Arctic Ocean, the Boreal Forest, the Arctic Tundra, and the Tibetan Plateau. Together called the permafrost domain, these areas are especially vulnerable to climate change because of their dependence on ice. This is a problem because they are warming three-times faster than the global average, with many regions already 2 to 5 degrees Celsius warmer than before the Industrial Revolution (see details in Abbott et al. Front. Environ. Sci., 29 June 2022, doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.889428).
    • Mr. Sean Gibbs and Ms.Tia Walker joined us as UWM’s summer SURF fellows. They will work on assessing the abundance and chemical speciation of nutrients (N and P) in a coastal lagoon. Welcome Sean and Tia!
    • Ms. Princy Patel, a summer intern student of ACS-SEED program from American Chemical Society, joined us on 13 June 2022. Welcome Princy!
    • Dr. Shimaa Kteeba joined us as a postdoc in May 2022.  She will work on several research projects and help supervise summer interns and undergraduate and graduate students in our lab. Welcome back Shimaa!
    • Hui Lin’s paper titled: “Dynamic changes in size-fractionated dissolved organic matter composition in a seasonally ice-covered Arctic river” has been published in Limnology and Oceanography (see link at
    • Hui receives the UWM Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship Award. Congratulations, Hui!
    • Mr. Hui Lin’s paper entitled: “Variations in colloidal DOM composition with molecular weight within individual water samples as characterized by flow field-flow fractionation and EEM-PARAFAC analysis” has been published in Environmental Science and Technology (see link at
    • Dr. Dan Li’s paper from her work at Guo and Carvan Labs at UWM: “Mitigative effects of natural and model dissolved organic matter with different functionalities on the toxicity of methylmercury in embryonic zebrafish” has been published in Environmental Pollution (see
    • Guo delivered a seminar/presentation during his visit to Dr. Guebuem Kim’s Lab at the Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea) and Dr. Kyung-Hoon Shin’s Group at Hanyang University (Anshan, South Korea) during January 2019.
    • Dr. Bin Yang has returned to his home institute, Qinzhou University, after working at UWM for one year. His research here was on the molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic phosphorus and the biogeochemical cycling in river and estuarine environments.
    • Guo attended the XMAS-IV meeting in Xiamen during January 6-9, 2019, co-chaired a session on the “Biogeochemistry of organic matter and associated elements along the river-estuary-ocean continuum” and gave an oral presentation during the meeting.
    • Professor Xuchen Wang and his colleagues from Ocean University of China visited Guo’s Lab at UWM during their stay at NEC in Wisconsin.
    • Dr. Changyou Wang, a new visiting scholar from Nanjing, China, arrived at UWM in August 2018.  He will conduct collaborative research in the School of Freshwater Sciences (Changyou and his wife).
    • Guo visited Dr. Lei Gao at East China Normal University in July 2018 and gave a talk titled “Variations in molecular-size and composition of heterogeneous dissolved organic matter in estuarine environments”.
    • Dr. Miao Liu, from Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Wei Zhang, from Shenyang Agricultural University, visited School of Freshwater Sciences. They also gave a talk introducing their research.
    • Dr. Huacheng Xu’s series papers have been published in Water Research( x4, see also graphic abstracts below), Environmental Pollution(x1), and Science of the Total Environment (x1), during 2018.
    • Dr. Shimaa Kteeba’s 2nd manuscript entitled “Exposure to ZnO nanoparticles alters neuronal and vascular development in zebrafish: Acute and transgenerational effects mitigated with dissolved organic matter.” has been published in Environmental Pollution, 242: 433-448, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.06.030.  Congratulations Shimaa!
    • Steve’s (Stephen DeVilbiss) recent paper entitled: “Excretion of organic matter and nutrients from invasive quagga mussels and potential impact on carbon dynamics in Lake Michigan” published in the Journal of Great Lakes Research (43, 79-89) was highlighted in NOAA Wisconsin Sea Grant website (see the link).
    • Ms. Shimaa Kteeba’s manuscript entitled “Zine oxide nanoparticle toxicity in embryonic zebrafish: Mitigation with different natural organic matter” has been published in Environmental Pollution, 230, 1125–1140. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.042. (see also graphical abstract below).  Congratulations Shimaa!
    • Dr. Guo participated in the Frontiers in Earth Science / 2017 IPACES Annual Meeting in Senzhen, China.  His presentation was on “Simultaneous separation and characterization of heterogeneous dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments”.
    • Dr. Huacheng Xu’ manuscript entitled: “Molecular size-dependent abundance and chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in river, lake and sea waters” has been published in Water Research (see graphical abstract below; doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.04.006).
    • Dr. Guo visited Ocean University of China, Qingdao, in April 2017 and gave a talk in the Workshop on Marine Chemistry Frontiers.
    • Dr. Xuelu Gao arrived at UWM on December 11, 2016.  He is a Research Professor at Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and will work as a visiting scholar for 12 months in the School of Freshwater Sciences.  Welcome Dr. Gao!
    • Dr. Peng Lin’s manuscript entitled:”Do invasive quagga mussels alter CO2 dynamics in the Laurentian Great Lakes? ” has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports, (full citation: Scientific Reports, 6, article number: 39078. doi: 10.1038/srep39078).
    • Dr. Mohammed Baalousha, from Center for Environmental Nanoscience and Risks at the University of South Carolina, visited Guo Lab and delivered an invited seminar in the School of Freshwater Sciences, on Noverber-10, 2016, entitled:” Environmental fate and behavior of engineered nanoparticles”,
    • Mr. Hui Lin, a new PhD student in Guo lab, arrived at SFS/UWM right before the fall semester.  Welcome Hui!
    • Dr. Guo presented a talk entitled: “Chemical speciation and transformation of phosphorus in seasonally hypoxic Green Bay” during the 2016 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) meeting in Beijing, China, during August 1-5, 2016.  He also visited Xiamen University and the 2nd and 3rd Institute of Oceanology, SOA, and gave an invited seminar at each institute.
    • Mr. Tarek Teber has successfully defended his thesis entitled: “Seasonal and Spatial Variations in Chemical Composition and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nutrients in the Lower Milwaukee River“.  Congratulations Tarek!
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    • Dr. Zhijun Gong and his colleagues from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, arrived at Milwaukee on July 9.  They will visit UWM School of Freshwater Sciences and other Institutes/Facilities during their stay in Milwaukee.
    • Dr. Guo presented a keynote talk entitled: “Size and chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter across the river-lake and river-sea interfaces using FlFFF coupled with fluorescence EEMs” at the 2016 Goldschmidt Geochemical Meeting at Yokohama, Japan, during June 26-July 1, 2016.
    • Dr. Guo visited Professor Kyung-Hoon Shin’s lab at Han-Yang University, South Korea, for collaborative research and delivering a seminar in the Department of Marine Science.
    • Professor Chin-Chang Hung, from National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan, arrived at School of Freshwater Sciences/UWM on June 2, 2016.  He will visit Dr. Guo lab and conduct collaborative research.
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    • Steve’s manuscript entitled: “Spatiotemporal variations in the abundance and composition of bulk and chromophoric DOM in seasonally hypoxia-influenced Green Bay, Lake Michigan” has been accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.015). Congratulations Steve!
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    • Dr. Wenzhi Liu, a visiting scientist from Chinese Academy of Sciences,  arrived at UWM on April 28.  He will work in  Guo Lab for one year.  Welcome Wenzhi!
    • Mr. Stephen DeVilbiss has successfully defended his thesis entitled: “Characterization of dissolved organic matter and its interactions with invasive quagga mussels in Lake Michigan”, on April-22, 2016.  Congratulations Steve!
    • Steve with committee 2016
  • March 2016
    • Dr. Huacheng Xu  arrived at UWM in March.  He will work in SFS as a visiting scientist for 12 months.  Welcome Huacheng!
    • Dr. Zhengzhen Zhou’s manuscript entitled: “Colloidal size spectra, composition and estuarine mixing behavior of DOM in river and estuarine waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico” has been published in Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 181, 1-17.  doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.02.032.
    • Dr. Peng Lin’s manuscript entitled: “Dynamic changes in abundance and chemical speciation of dissolved and particulate phosphorus across the river-lake interface in southwest Lake Michigan ” has been published in Limnology and Oceanography (current impact factor: 3.79), 61, 771-189, doi: 10.1002/lno.10254.
    • Steve DeVilbiss and Guo participated in a public outreach event, the Wisconsin Science Festival, organized by Liz Sutton at SFS/UWM last weekend (Oct-24, 2015).
    • Dr. Yihua Cai‘s manuscript entitled: “Abundance, stable isotopic composition, and export fluxes of DOC, POC and DIC from the Lower Mississippi River during 2006-2008” is now accepted for publication in JGR-Biogeosciences.
    • Dr. Guo delivered an invited talk on “A snapshot of the state of health of the Laurentian Great Lakes” in the Milwaukee Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) on October 15, 2015.
    • A sampling cruise has been scheduled for Friday, Sept-18, 2015, on board the R/V Neeskay to Lake Michigan.  Activities will include collecting box cores, quagga mussels, large volume water for ultrafiltration, in addition to routine sampling for nutrients, CDOM/FDOM and others .
    • Professor Dr. Lars Rudstam, Director of Cornell Biological Field Station, Cornell University, visited Guo Lab after their sampling cruise on board the R/V Lake Guardian to the Great Lakes (09/16/2015).
    •   Ms. Shimaa Kteeba, a Visiting PhD student from Egypt, will extend her stay for one more year from October-2015 to Sept-2016 in the School of Freshwater Sciences at UWM (09/15/2015).
    • Dr. Jianyu Ni’s manuscript entitled: “Distribution, source and chemical speciation of phosphorus in surface sediments of the central Pacific Ocean” has been published in “Deep-Sea Research I”, Vol. 105: 74–82, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2015.08.008.(09/09/2015)
    • Our new high resolution sector field ICP-MS (Thermo Scientific Element 2) has been installed and ready for use.  A laser ablation component will be added on in September 2015.
    • ICPMS at SFS

Room reservation at SFS

See old Lab News here.

Guo personal webpage