You can declare a major in Geography at any time. We recommend students to declare as early as possible so that they can get more help from Geography advising in planning their courses.
To declare a Major in Geography, you simply click the button below, and fill out and submit the online Declaration of Major Form,
Geography advisors will receive your declaration request, and will then follow up within 10 business days with the following:
- A welcome letter that confirms your declaration,
- An assessment of your progress toward the major requirements based on your unofficial transcript,
- If applicable, suggestions of potential substitutions, contacts for in-person or online meeting, and some other resources for the major requirements,
- You will be put on the “geog-majors” e-mail list, to receive information about scholarships, internships, and Geography classes and other program information.
If you have any questions or need to meet in-person or online at any time no matter you have declared a Geography major or not, you can always contact the Geography advisors:
- Zengwang Xu, Undergraduate Chair
- Hyejin Yoon, Faculty Advisor