Welcome to the College of General Studies Transfer Center.
This page is for those students who are starting their education at UWM at Washington County or UWM at Waukesha and want to get a bachelor’s degree. Read on for more information!
Transfer to UW-Milwaukee, Main Campus
You’re already a Panther, so it will be easy for you to transfer to our Milwaukee location! Just review the outlined steps below.
- Schedule a meeting with or email your advisor. If you are ready to make the change, your advisor will provide you with the Panther Transition Form the semester before you intend to transfer. Students will need to login to this form using their ePantherID and password.
- Want to start in the fall semester (September)? The form is available starting a year prior from September to August.
- Want to start in the spring semester (January)? The form is available starting May through December.
- Utilize the Internal Transfer Lookup to see how your credits will transfer from one UWM campus location to the other.
- Once you’re admitted, you can reach out to an Academic Advisor in your school or college.
Branch campus students under 21 transferring to the Milwaukee campus will automatically be granted a Housing contract 1-2 weeks after admission. Students will receive an email once given a contract. If you’re over 21 and want to live in university housing, or it’s been 2 weeks after your admission and you have not received an email with contract access, fill out this form.
If you‘re still exploring if UW-Milwaukee is right for you and want to speak with a representative from a specific school or college prior to applying, use this list:
Architecture | Tammy Taylor | 414-229-4015 | ttaylor@uwm.edu |
Peck School of the Arts | Lori Sieckert | 414-229-4763 | sieckert@uwm.edu |
Business | Student Services | 414-229-5271 | Students should upload unofficial transcripts here. |
Education | Michaela Kaiser | 414-229-3059 | kaisermr@uwm.edu |
Engineering | Contact Advisor based on alpha assignment: | 414-229-4667 | |
A-E | Brandon Clark | brandonc@uwm.edu | |
F-L | Tina Current | currentt@uwm.edu | |
M-R | Megan Bauski | wisnowsk@uwm.edu | |
S-Z | Jennie Klumpp | klumpp@uwm.edu | |
Freshwater Sciences | Aaron Thiel | 414-382-1700 | thiela@uwm.edu |
Biomedical Sciences & Health Care Administration | Contact Advisor based on major: | 414-229-2758 | uwmchps@uwm.edu |
Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology | Contact advisor based on major: | 414-229-5047 | uwmchps@uwm.edu |
Informational Studies | Any advisor will work with transfer students. | 414-229-4707 | soisinfo@uwm.edu |
Nursing | Students with general nursing questions: Matt Halloran | 414-229-5047 | hallora5@uwm.edu |
Students needing credit evaluations: email transcripts then call to make an appointment with an advisor. | 414-229-5047 | uwmnurse@uwm.edu | |
L&S | Rachel Stern | 414-229-7711 | let-sci@uwm.edu L&S Transfer Student Page |
Social Welfare | Kate Masshardt can help transfer students via email. | masshard@uwm.edu | Students should use this link to get unofficial credit evaluation. |
Public Health | Kelsi Faust | 414-229-5007 | meyer378@uwm.edu |
Undecided | Joel, Haroon, Itzel | 414-229-2222 | undergraduateadmissions@uwm.edu |
Unsure Which UWM Campus To Attend?
Did you apply to a UWM campus but want to switch to a different UWM campus? If it’s before classes have started for the semester, you can make a campus change request. Just complete the short form here. Please note that if you were denied admission to the UW-Milwaukee campus, this form will not be processed.
Are you planning to transfer to a UWM campus after already attending classes at another UWM location? Apply to transfer the semester before. If you‘re currently enrolled at UWM at Washington County or UWM at Waukesha as a degree-seeking student and wish to transfer to the Milwaukee campus for the following term, complete the Internal Transfer Form. Only complete this form the semester before you intend to transfer. During peak times, you may expect to wait 4-6 weeks for a decision.
If you have any questions about this form, the college transfer process, or your transfer credits, contact your advisor.
Transfer to Another UW System School
UW System Guaranteed Transfer program
Check out Transferology to see how your current credits will transfer to your next institution, you can look at University of Wisconsin System School, Wisconsin Technical Colleges, and Tribal College systems.
Transfer to a School Outside the UW System
If you’re interested in transferring to a school not featured here, reach out to that school’s admissions office directly.
UWM at Washington County
UWM at Waukesha