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Nazly Sobhi Damasio – “Self Care & Resistance in Spaces Not Created for Us.”

December 6, 2016 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Nazly Sobhi Damasio is a Persian-Venezuelan organizer, activist, and trauma informed yoga teacher who has organized and worked in various communities throughout Chicago, Latin America, and the Middle East. She possesses fluency in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic & English and is a classically trained violinist who has been performing domestically and internationally as a soloist and in various ensembles since she was ten years old. Nazly is the creator of Guerilla Feminism Panama, Guerrilla Feminism’s second Spanish language and Latin American based page, the brilliance behind La Feminista Descolonial, a Spanish-language intersectional feminista platform, an active member of Latina Rebels, and a part of the Necia Media Collective.

The students organizing the event have talked with Nazly to pick out a topic that would be beneficial for all students. She will be speaking about the topic of “Self Care & Resistance in Spaces Not Created for Us.” The students have this to say: “We feel that this topic is extremely important to address, especially with the harm and violence happening on campuses since the election results. Learning about self-care strategies and safe spaces on campuses like UWM is essential for all students, and especially students of color given the current political climate. We strongly believe that her presence on campus is needed and will be appreciated by the students.”

The event will be December 6th, 2016, starting at 6:00 pm.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Alida Cardós Whaley at alida@uwm.edu.


December 6, 2016
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM