U1.0 is a program designed to engage with and support first-generation students at UWM and its branch campuses. We provide assistance to help first-generation students get acclimated to life on campus. U1.0 regularly hosts events, both celebratory and educational, in order to connect with and support first-generation students in their academic, personal, and professional endeavors. At UWM, about 38% of the undergraduate student population is identified as first-generation!
Join our mailing list!
The U1.0 Newsletter is sent out weekly and provides students with information about what is happening at the First-Generation+ Resource Center (FG+RC), campus updates, scholarship opportunities, job and internship opportunities as well as events, activities, and volunteering happening on campus and in the greater Milwaukee area.
To be added to our mailing list, please email us at uwmfirstgen@uwm.edu