Lawton Scholars Program FAQs

General Program Requirements


How do I apply for the Lawton Scholars Program?
At UWM, Lawton is an invitation-only award. Before the start of the semester, Student Financial Services will run a list of eligible students and the FG+RC will send an invitation to them to join the program. To be eligible, students must:

  • Identify as African-American, American Indian, Latino/a, and/or Southeast Asian of Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian and Vietnamese descent
  • Have earned at least sophomore standing by completing 24 credits
  • Have earned a minimum 2.25 cumulative GPA
  • Enroll in at least 12 credits per semester
  • Demonstrate financial need via FAFSA

I am currently a new transfer student at the UW-Milwaukee. Am I eligible to receive the Lawton at UWM?
As a first semester transfer student, you may become eligible in the future once you have established a UWM GPA. Once you become eligible and funding is available, you will see an “Estimated Lawton” on your PAWS account as part of your financial aid package. If you do not see an estimated Lawton and believe you are eligible, you may contact us at to check your eligibility.

Credit Requirements & Dropping Classes

Do I need to maintain 24 credits meaning 12 per semester of 24 in a full school year?
To be eligible for Lawton, you need to be enrolled in 12 credits at census date (10th day of class) each semester. To remain eligible for the program, a student needs to complete 24 unique credits in a full academic year (Fall, Winterim, Spring, and Summer semesters).

If I drop a course will I need to add a late course to maintain 12 credits this semester?
You will not need to add a late course to remain in Lawton. You may make up the missing credits either during Winterim, Spring, or Summer to reach the 24 credit requirement. If you enroll in summer courses to meet the 24 credit requirement, you will need to notify Ruth Schulze ( in Financial Aid so that your summer credits are counted for the Lawton Scholarship.

Are there any forms that I need to fill out, or get approval before I drop a class?
We strongly encourage you to talk to your academic advisor before dropping a course. They will be able to provide you information about how it may impact your financial aid, graduation plan, and successful academic completion.

Lawton Program Requirements

Academic Advisor Meeting

Who is my advisor?
Your academic advisor is already assigned to you through your school, college, or advising unit. You can find the name and contact information of your advisor on PAWS on the right side of the main “Student Center” page or on Navigate360.

I was wondering if the academic advisor I have to meet with is my regular academic advisor?
Yes, the academic advisor that you meet with would be the one assigned to you through your school, college, or advising unit or the advisor who assists you with your class choices and graduation plan.

How do I inform the Lawton Program that I have met with my advisor?
Your advisor must enter their meeting notes into Navigate360. Make sure to mention that you are a Lawton Scholar to your advisor during your meeting so they know to do this.

Student Experience and Talent (SET) Meeting

Is there a way that we can confirm that we visited the SET office?
The SET meeting is tracked when you sign-in at their office. We have limited access to this information and only get periodic updates as the information is maintained through another office. As long as you attended a meeting and signed in, you have fulfilled the requirement.

I wanted to know if this requirement can be waived since I already know what I’m planning to do with my future. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this since it will not really do anything for me since I know what I want to do and already have a plan.
This requirement will not be waived. SET provides many more services than selecting a major or career path including resume and/or CV building, cover letter writing, graduate school planning, job searching, interview skills, and salary negotiation preparation. As career development is a life long process, we encourage you to take advantage of the services offered to prepare you to enter your chosen field.

Economics 110: Economics of Personal Finance

When do I have to take Econ 110?
Lawton requires all recipients to complete Economics 110: Economics of Personal Finance within the first two semesters of being awarded (so you have Fall 20XX or Spring 20XX to complete the course). The course is also offered during the summer. If you enroll in the summer course, you need to let Ruth Schulze ( in Student Financial Services know so that you receive credit for the course.

Is it an online course or an in-lecture course? If there is an online course, how can I sign up for it because I have never taken an online course before?
There are both in-person and online sections available. To sign up for an online course, you will enroll through PAWS the same way that you enroll for in-person courses.

I have a question regarding the requirement of taking the financial literacy course. I was in a summer bridge program that ran the course and I was interested in hearing if I would have to take the course again.
We strongly encourage summer bridge students to complete Economics 110: Economics of Personal Finance so that they can receive official credit for it. However, you may be eligible to receive an appeal based on your previous completion of the material. In your Econ 110 Appeal Statement, you must include which summer bridge term and through which program you completed the financial literacy course.

If I had already taken Econ: 110 am I required to take it again?
Lawton Scholars are only required to successfully complete the Economics 110 course once. If you have already successfully completed Economics 110: Economics of Personal Finance, you will not need to take the course again.

I am a senior with a heavy course load so that I can graduate on time. Do I have to take Econ 110?
All Lawton Scholars are required to successfully complete Economics 110: Economics of Personal Finance. However, you may be eligible for an appeal depending on your circumstances. Please note that not all appeals are granted.

Click the following link to access the appeal form:

ECON 110 Lawton Appeal Form fillable

Lawton Scholar Peer Mentor Meeting

Who is my Lawton Scholar Peer Mentor?
Your Lawton Scholar Peer Mentor is a student whom has more than likely emailed you already. However, if you can’t find this email and have no idea who they are, you may contact us at and we will provide you with the information. You can also check the Lawton Canvas Page to find who you’re assigned peer mentor is.

What happens if I haven’t met with my success advocate yet? Can I see another success advocate that is available instead?
If you haven’t met with your peer mentor, we recommend getting in touch with them as soon as possible to schedule a meeting. If for some reason they don’t get back to you, please contact us at and we will contact them for you. If they still haven’t met with you after this please let us know and we will make accommodations. It is our preference that Scholars meet with their assigned peer mentor unless there are extenuating circumstances.

How do I make an appointment with my peer mentor?
To schedule a meeting with your peer mentor, you need to contact them directly. A majority of the peer mentor use a website called in order to schedule their meetings so also check your email for a link to sign up for a meeting with them through that site.

Senior Requirements

I am currently a senior, do I have to meet with my assigned Peer Mentor?
As a senior, you are not required to but is highly encouraged to meet with your assigned Success Advocate especially if this is your first semester in the program.

I will be graduating this December and the e-Portfolio is only due in the spring, so should I submit an e-portfolio this semester?
Because you are graduating this Fall and the e-Portfolio is only due in the Spring, you do not need to submit an e-Portfolio

Study Abroad

I’m studying abroad. How can I fulfill the Lawton Scholars Program requirements?
We have had a number of students study abroad and complete Lawton successfully. Your requirements will not change. You will be assigned to a special Success Advocate who works primarily with off campus students. They will work with you to ensure your success in the program.

Is it possible for the Lawton to be awarded for Winter Interim study abroad trips?
Lawton is only awarded in Fall and Spring semesters. We encourage you to apply for the Study Abroad Diversity Scholarship.

I am studying abroad. How do I prove that I met with my Academic Advisor?
Because you are studying abroad, we will accept an email confirmation of your appointment from your academic advisor. They just need to email us at to verify that you two have discussed your course schedule or other academic information.