Professor Edward A. Beimborn Fellowship in Transportation Engineering Fund (Graduate Students)

Established by Curtis C. and Maureen E Lueck, to award graduate students in the College of Engineering & Applied Science who are enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree in Civil Engineering, with a concentration in urban transportation for their outstanding academic and research achievements. One award of $7,500 is given out each academic year.


Applicants for the Beimborn Fellowship must be full-time UWM CEE graduate students in transportation engineering and/or have a thesis/dissertation topic in the field of transportation. Applicants are expected to be in good academic standing and have a clear research focus in transportation, especially urban transportation.

A committee of faculty members within the discipline will select students for this scholarship based on the quality of their overall academic record, including grade point average, research and other accomplishments, and the recommendation of faculty members.  The fund gives preference to students who graduated from Wisconsin high schools or received their undergraduate degrees from UWM. Preference will also be given to PhD students who have a minimum of 33% appointment in teaching assistantship or research assistantship. The merit-based fellowship is competitive. The winner must demonstrate great potential as a researcher in transportation engineering.


The fellowship application is composed of the following four elements:

  1. CV
  2. Unofficial Transcript
  3. Written statement of application
  4. Name of the sponsoring faculty member whom you would want the selection committee to contact for a recommendation.

The student is responsible for submitting the completed nomination package in a single pdf file to the award committee Chair Dr. Xiao Qin ( by January 31, 2025.

Professor Edward A. Beimborn Scholarship in Transportation Engineering Fund (Undergraduate Students)

Established to provide scholarships to undergraduate students in the College of Engineering & Applied Science. The Dean shall determine the number and value of scholarships awarded annually from the Scholarship Fund.


Applicants for the Beimborn Scholarship must be full-time UWM CEE undergraduate students who are:

  • Enrolled in a program leading to an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering, with a concentration in urban transportation;
  • Graduation from a high school located in Wisconsin; and
  • Preference for students with financial need.
Professor Edward A. Beimborn
Professor Edward A. Beimborn