- jzhao@uwm.edu
- 414-229-2330
- Engineering & Mathematical Sciences W330A
Jian Zhao
- Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- PhD, Civil Engineering (Structures), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2003
- MS, Engineering Mechanics, Tongji University, China, 1998
- BS, Structural Engineering, Tongji University, China, 1993
Research Interests
- Earthquake engineering
- Behavior and seismic design of concrete structures
- Structural modeling
- Real-time dynamic testing
- Advanced energy-dissipation materials and applications
- Zhao, J. and S. Sritharan. 2006. "Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structure Including Strain Penetration Effects." The 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA.
- Sritharan, S., Zhao, J., Waugh, J. and Govindarasu, M. 2005. "Nonrectangular concrete walls under multi-directional loads – analytical simulation and remote participation in experimental research." US-Portugal International Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Research Using NEES Facilities,
- Zhao, J., Sritharan, S., 2006. Modeling of Strain Penetration Effects in Fiber-Based Seismic Analysis of RC Bridges, ACI Spring Convention, Charlotte, NC.
- Zhao, J., French, C., Shield, C., and Posbergh, T. 2004 Effective Force Testing with Nonlinear Velocity Feedback Compensation. 13th WCEE, Vancouver, Canada.
- Zhao, J., Shield, C., French, C., and Posbergh, T. 2004 Effect of Servovalve/Actuator Dynamics on Displacement Controlled Testing. 13th WCEE, Vancouver, Canada.
- Zhao, J., Sritharan, S.,(submitted)Modeling strain penetration effects in fiber-based analysis of reinforced concrete structures, ACI Structural Journal.
- Zhao, J., French, C., Shield, C., and Posbergh, T. (submitted) Testing a Nonlinear Structure using a Shake Table and the EFT Method, Journal of Structural Engineering.
- Zhao, J., Shield, C., French, C., and Posbergh, T. (2005) Nonlinear System Modeling and Velocity Feedback Compensation for EFT, Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 131(3), 244–253.
- Zhao, J., French, C., Shield, C., and Posbergh, T. (2003) Considerations for the Development of Real-Time Dynamic Testing using Serve-Hydraulic Actuation, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. Vol. 32, No. 11. pp. 1773-1794
- Zhao, J., Sritharan, S., (accepted) Modeling of Strain Penetration Effects in Fiber-Based Seismic Analysis of RC Bridges, ASCE 2006 Structural Congress and Exhibition.