B Tech, Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Technology, 1975
Research Interests
Heat treatment
Metal casting
Manufacturing processes
Metal casting
Phase transformation - thermodynamics and kinetics
Materials selection
Achary, J., and Venugopalan, D. Microstructural development and austempering kinetics of ductile iron during thermomechanical processing, Met Trans A, v31, n10, p 2575-2585, 2000.
Thermal Expansion of Cast Invar Alloys, D. Venugopalan and S. Sahu, Transactions AFS, v. 105, pp. 670-675, 1998.
Differential Thermal Analysis of Reaction of Al with Fly Ash During Synthesis of Al-Fly Ash Composites, R. Guo, D. Venugopalan and P.K. Rohatgi, Materials Sci. and Eng., v. A241, pp. 184-190, 1998